Thursday, September 19, 2024

Blues Supporting a War on Title 9 and a War By Illegal Aliens Against Women


Since 2010 Blues have falsely claimed Reds are engaging in a “War on Women”
NOW was campaigning across the land to feminists to Congress and State Offices send
Kavanaugh’s nomination to SCOTUS launched the “Me Too” movement that on sexual harassment and rape women must be listened too and believed
No matter how old the alleged incidents were "justice" for complaining women must be achieved
But another really serious “War on Women” is raging in this nation
On two separate fronts that merit our severe condemnation
The first is the War on Title IX by the Blues to allow transgender males to as women in sports compete
Blues are oblivious to males’ biological fact that with more muscle and larger lungs and heart, women are almost always facing defeat
Not only are girls forced to a likely defeat face
But they must share locker rooms with males with their sexual tools in place
The second is the violent war against women by illegal aliens crossing our open border
Almost all filing false asylum claims due to poverty but too many bringing crime and disorder
Too often in the news we learn another women or girl by illegals has been killed or raped
Usually in a sanctuary city so if convicted on serving sentence ICE cannot be notified so deportation they escape
Rep. Mace’s bill Violence Against Women by Illegal Aliens Act requiring the deportation of illegals convicted of sexual assault and rapes
Passed 266-158 with 158 Blues voting “Nay” more concerned for illegals’ welfare than female victims in their state
The bill hopefully will go to the Senate to sadly if it does face a filibuster fate
A needed first step to illegal aliens' crime abate
Any person with female children or with a wife should open the below link
A list of how individual House members voted so “Nay” voters’ reelection chances voters can sink  

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