Monday, September 30, 2024

The MSM Inanely Is praising Nasrallah and his evil would lure young jihadists to seek virgins in Paradise


Israelis having had to endure Hezbollah rocket and terrorist attacks for decades
Are jumping for joy for Hassan Nasrallah’s death by the IDF hoping it will its terrorist abilities to degrade
The MSM in announcing his death upon him seemed to heap nothing but praise
Trying to become part of the increasing antisemitic craze
He was known as a father figure, a pragmatist, and a man who had a propensity to crack jokes and “never pushed hardline Islamic rules, like veils for women in the neighborhoods that Hezbollah controlled"
Ignoring the Israeli citizen blood on his hands as he planned and directed terrorist attacks to pursue the extinction of Israel goals
The word “terrorist” applied to the likes of killers like Nasrallah from the MSM’s dictionary has disappeared
These supposedly well-read MSM “journalists” must have never read Julius Caesar by Shakespeare
Time for them to commit to memory Marc Antony’s immortal lines: “I come to bury Caesar, not to praise him. The evil that men do lives after them; the good is oft interred with their bones”
What false praise the MSM inanely ranted in favor of Nasrallah will soon fade away
But the memory of his jihad against Israel will not and sadly rally young jihadists to end their lives too soon to the siren call of the virgins in Paradise sway

© 9/30/2024 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet

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