Thursday, September 12, 2024

Both Parties Claim They Won the Harris Trump Debate But Clear Loser Was ABC's Moderators' Anti-Trump Bias


The first debate between Trump and Harris is in the books
And both parties claiming their candidate the victory took
But the critical voting segment of voters the Independents
In significant numbers favoring Trump went
But to determine the loser much easier to decide
ABC best known as “Always Biased Commentary” or “Always Biased Cack”
With its moderators Muir and Davis shedding all semblance of objectivity to Trump attack
Either in words or in Davis’ case also facial expressions indicating disbelief
While allowing Harris to evade questions with nonresponsive answers to from her record provide relief
Harris may not have proved she would be a capable commander in chief
Only that she is a commander of deception and rebranding of her record that has brought us nothing but grief
Harris knows she has not moved the needle and seems to be asking for another debate night
But Trump should only agree if it’s on Fair and Balanced Fox to avoid another 3 against 1 fight
Or better yet a debate by Trump and Harris with only by them the questions asked
Allowing the voters to determine who is better suited to solve our critical tasks
With so many voters in the dark on Harris by political ads that only bombard
With little or no objective facts but almost completely a lot of canards
Harris is being slammed for refusing to press conferences hold
But until the MSM sheds its hear no evil, see no evil or say no evil only damaged goods to viewers will be sold
We can’t move forward unless we first go back
To lower inflation and crime, secure borders and antisemitism attacked

© 9/12/2024 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet


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