Tuesday, October 1, 2024

90% of Success Is Showing Up--Biden and Harris on Helene and ILA STrike Are MIA While Trump On Scene Showing His Empathy and Concernyth eb


Just as there were increasing signs of hope that a recession the U.S. would escape
Longshoremen have just gone on strike which will soon lead to food shortages on our plate
As goods shipped to us by ship can no longer be unloaded shelves will become bare
And prices will sharply rise as the inflation beast near sleeping comes roaring out of its lair
Perishable goods will waiting to be unloaded will start to rot
And our harbors will look like the rush hour traffic turning the 405 into a parking lot
Already estimates are coming in saying that the strike will reduce the economy by upwards of 3 billion dollars away
Yet in trying to prevent the strike or cope with it Biden, Commerce Secretary Raimondo and DOT Secretary Mayor Pete are MIA
Biden because he is the most pro union president in history and does not want that distinction to be blemished
And Raimondo is probably preoccupied with prayers that next Trump assassin will not fail and he will perish
And Buttigieg is still traumatized for failing to deal with cargo ships’ turning the waters off L.A./Long Beach into a congested berthing lot
This strike may not be solved by higher wages as the ILA has become the new Luddites and bans on automation for unloading are being sought
Once again like a response to Helene, Biden has been on his Delaware Beach
And Harris is in California with her elite wealthy donors for more money to beseech
While Trump after visiting some of Helene’s killing devastation
Is exposing the ILA to his condemnation

© 10/1/2024 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet

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