Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Iron Dome and U.S. Navy shot down almost all of the some 200 missiles Iran launched into Israel How Will Israel Retaliate?


Defense against rockets has come a long way since the V-2’s into London hit
With total impunity and could not by the RAF be shot down like the V-1’s the RAF was forced to admit
Yesterday Iran launched almost 200 missiles into Israel in revenge for Israeli killings with exploding cell phones
Hoping to bring death and destruction as they were speeding through the Iron Dome killing zone
Only to find to their dismay almost all shot down by the Iron Dome and 2 U.S. Navy destroyers in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea
With the mullahs now shaking wondering what death and destruction in retaliation from Israel will they soon see
A prime target should be Iran’s nuclear weapon fabrication facilities
Assuming the Israelis have the destruction capabilities
If not any targets involved in the production and distribution of oil should be at the top of the list
If they know where Iran’s Supreme Leader lives a strike against him would be hard to resist
If Iran continues to escalate the game of chicken tit for tat
They face the real probability of major cities being leveled flat
Time for the Iranians to cease financing terrorist cells
Or they may face an unwelcome trip not to Paradise but to Hell

© 10/1/2024 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet

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