Saturday, October 12, 2024

Former Intel and Military Leaders' Harris Endorsements v. Medal of Honor Recipients' and Gold Star Parents' Trump's Endorsements


Former Vice President Garner said the vice presidency was not worth more than “a warm bucket of spit"
The same can be said of endorsements of former military leaders and intelligence officers claiming Trump is not fit
Who can still unless suffering from  TDS Stage 4 still believe 51 former security officials who a letter claiming Hunter’s laptop was hoax, Russian misinformation signed
And the former senior military leaders supporting Harris and blasting Trump must feel because of their military service their Harris endorsements cannot be maligned
In war the senior military leaders are safely in well protected bunkers behind the front lines
Unlike the privates, noncoms, and lieutenants choking on MRE’s or K-Rations able to on fine cuisine dine
So it should come as surprise that Trump has secured the endorsements of 15 Medal of Honor winners who in Vietnam to Afghanistan in combat their time was spent
Along with the 100’s of Gold Star Parents of sons and daughters who never made it back save in the coffins in which they were sent
Trump is probably not liked by some of the senior military leaders who have Harris endorsed
Still resenting that they were held by Trump to be accountable when their efforts were below par for the course
Whose endorsements should voters at the polls follow
The former military and intel leaders whose words ring hollow?
Or those in the fox holes who faced death and survived
And those parents whose sons and daughters did not return alive?
The choice should be crystal clear
Having Harris as CIC is something most Americans should fear

© 10/12/2024 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet

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