Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Trump to Hold Ralley in Madison Square Garden Which Should Cause Down Ballot Reds To Cheer and Down Ballot Blues To Shiver In Fear


For Trump to hold rally in Deep Blue States at first glance
Would not result in his after Election Day holding a victory dance
Flipping the Banana Republics of California and New York
Are very long odds and so unlikely voting results would the champagne uncork
But both Banana Republics have dictatorial one party Blue majority rule
Well attended rallies will be helpful flipping Blue seat tools
California with Newsom and his super majority legislative Blues have made the ex Golden State to suffer
Tax increases, runaway spending and ballooning deficits without large numbers of Reds legislators to buffer
The reason why the Golden State has lost its luster and now is the state of Iron Pyrite
As businesses and residents, including high income earners, are to other states taking flight
Trump is smart enough to know that for him to MAGA promises fulfill
He will need more Reds in the House and Senate on the Hill
Madison Square Garden will be SRO packed
Even as the MSM will probably lie and tell us a sold out crowd he lacked
© 10/9/2024 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet

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