Wednesday, October 9, 2024

The Wall Street Journal Slams Morning Joe Which as a DNC Lackey Reeks Of Misinformation For Lecturing Fox of "Misinformation "


There is only one thing positive one can say about the leftist radical “Morning Joe”
Is that on the West Coast they are off the air so we don’t endure their biased rants trying to us snow
As a former Red House member who was conservative to his utmost inner core
Who voted to impeach Clinton and was conservative on economic, social and foreign policy but the siren call of environment and human rights issues he could not ignore
Resigned after being elected to 4th term to spend more time with his kids
After 3 years as an environmental lawyer went to MSNBC and surrounded by leftists his conservative stances he began to rid
Quickly learned to despise Trump demanding the Reds
Should come to their senses and from the party shed
Rather than suffer the RINO label with his journalistic reporting he had acquired
In 2017 he registered as an Independent and from the Reds retired
He has shed any vestige of former conservative views and become a pro Blue journalist lackey hack
With his sidekick now wife Mika waging on Reds a 24/7 biased attack
Truth and objectivity have vanished in the Mostly Slanted Narcistic Biased Cack
Prompting the WSJ to slam Scarborough for lecturing Fox spreading “misinformation"
Which disagrees with MSNBC’s distortion and censorship of objective facts deserving condemnation
How this did this once conservative to a rabid leftist flip?
His reptilian brain must have fallen under Mika’s grip
Two peas in a pod
With views totally flawed
With spouse Mika
As as unwelcome as a mosquito carry Zika

© 1/9/2024 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet

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