When it
comes to bad taste meriting condemnation
Alec Baldwin
is the most egregious in this nation
celebrities died at an early age
The outpourings
of grief and accolades filled many a page
Fisher who not even the Jedi could save
A massive
heart attack heading her to a far too early grave
George Michael
whose music will live forever on discs and from the musicians that he inspired
Dead also at
the earlier age of 50—listening to him perform–a pastime his fans never tired
What do we
hear from Alec Baldwin to add to the many tributes?
Only the
following Tweet which merits our stern rebuke
“Death comes in threes.
Carrie Fisher George Michael The integrity of the Oval Office”
The Oval Office integrity
died 8 years ago with Obama’s Hope and Change promise
But to the extent that
death comes in threes
With that part of the tweet
I have to agree
But the third victim here
was not the integrity for it had long since been dead
From hope and change to no
smidgeons of IRS corruption to keep your plan, torn to shreds
The third victim which this
insensitive, egotistical oaf should have had the sense to surmise
Would be an 84 year old
mother of Carrie Fisher suffering great grief over her daughter’s impending
Baldwin must not be bright
enough when he is without a script
To know that a “massive
heart attack” can be a quick trip to the family crypt
A man like Baldwin swearing
at his 11 year old daughter must be clueless about grief and pain a parent
When he is in great fear
that his child will not from her malady or injury soon heal
And when death comes it
comes like a hot poker searing and piercing a parent’s heart
Must be how Debbie Reynolds
felt when the news came that her daughter from this world did depart
At 84 such news would be
like needing to win Powerball to stay alive
Too high the odds and a stroke hopefully one
quick and painless that she could not survive
Artistic freedom and
freedom of expression is a cornerstone of this nation but certainly SNL could
find another Trump-like to Baldwin replace
I am sure that the 60 million
plus deplorables and millions of nondeplorable fans of Fisher would love not
ever having to look at his face.
© December 29, 2016, Michael P. Ridley aka the Alaskanpoet
Alaskanpoet for Hire, Poems to Admire
Poet Extraordinaire beyond Compare
The Perfect Gift All to Receive a Lasting Lift