Saturday, September 14, 2024

The Word Salad Was Full of Non Answers, Platitudes and Talking Points On Only Second Interview This One With Taff on Philadelphia's ABC6and f


The Word Salad Queen gave her second press interview with Philadelphia’s 6ABC anchor Brian Taff
Without a script she struggled to respond to questions to avoid gaffes and her cackling laughs
When asked for two things she would do to ease Americans’ daily financial pains, her voter come-on
After rambling on and on about growing up in a middle class neighborhood with well-kept lawns
A $50,000 tax deduction to start a small business and $25,000 for first time home buyers to make their down payment
Which would not lower the cost of utilities, gas, groceries, and clothing that daily would still have to be spent
And if the down payment requirement were 20% of the purchase price would require a purchase price of $125,000 or less
With the median home price in Pennsylvania now at $270,780 trying to find such lower priced homes would cause a lot of stress
She is a great orator complete with hand movements, facial gestures and pauses
But when she goes off script or without teleprompter, her answers are platitudes and talking points which reveal her flaws
She was ripped apart on social media that her answers revealed she is not fit
Not surprising as before a single primary in 2020 from the race she quit

© 9/14/2024 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet

Bragg's Bodega Miscarriage Of Justice Aped In Newton, Mass As Pro-Israel Protestor Arrested For Shooting His Anti-Israeli Protestor Who Tackled and Was Choking Him


The longer the Hamas Israeli War continues the more the flames of antisemitism are stoked
The idea of peaceful protest over the massive killing of Gazans by the IDF has been in almost all cases revoked
The closing of most universities  and colleges during the summer is ending with students going back to campuses across the nation
Once again igniting protests by pro-Palestinians protestors over claims of IDF genocide which has unleashed a flood of condemnations
Jewish students once again feel threatened with their life and limb at risk
With Hamas and Palestinian flags waving and many Americans Jews and non-Jews worrying how long Israel will exist
In Newton, Mass a band of Pro-Israel supporters were being taunted by Pro-Palestinians across the street as supporting genocide
When a Pro-Palestinian supporter wearing a Palestinian flag pin could no longer pro-Israeli protestors abide
And ran across the street to tackle Scott Hayes, an Iraq Veteran and non-Jew to the ground then grasping his neck
Hayes to defend himself shot the tackler in the stomach to his own life protect
After the tackler was pulled off him, he started first aid
Then in aping a Bragg Bodega no justice for the victim charade
Hayes was arrested for exercising his self-defense rights
A Go Fund Me Account for him was quickly started to pay for lawyers to the charges fight
No word yet whether the tackler sent to the hospital died
A world turned upside down when a tackled and choked man cannot on self-defense rely
© 9/14/2024 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet

Friday, September 13, 2024

After Being Fired by CNN Don Lemon Resurfacing in an Online TV Show But Still Up to Old Bias By Mocking Melania Over SS Errors


However he pronounces his surname Don Lemon’s acts mirror his surname
A lemon is a car that appears to be gem on the lot but upon leaving after purchase by a series of breakdowns is its fame
Anyone who buys a lemon will moan and despair the day
That a series of mechanical and electrical failures never go away
In Lemon’s case any sense of truth disappears before the words reach his lips
Bias of any Red especially Trump due to TDS Stage 4 has him in a stranglehold grip
Following the assassination attempt of Trump a grieving Melania appeared questioning how the police could not have arrested the shooter before he climbed on the roof to shoot
Gross negligence by the SS or even worse the fruit of a long sought plan of eliminating him that had long since taken root
Lemon mocked her with many belittling facial expressions oblivious to the fear she must have still felt
That her husband came within of a fraction less than ¼ inch of death by an assassin being dealt
After being fired from CNN after 17 years
Lemon in an online gig Don Lemon TV will again appear
His mockery of Melania shows this leopard has not changed his spots
Doubt any significant number of viewers will watch so ad revenue will be near squat
Hard to wish a biased leftist well
When his bias turns the airways into a flaming Hell

© 9/13/2024 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Senate Will Soon Release a Scathing Report on the Failures of the Secret Service in the Trump Assassination Attempt


The Senate is close to releasing its report on the Trump assassination  attempt
Blue Senator Blumenthal has indicated the public will be shocked implying the report will hold the Secret Service in total contempt
Michael Plati, the Assistant Director in charge of security for Biden, Harris, Trump and Vance, has resigned effective Friday after 27 years
Probably anticipating the condemnation of his actions that in the report will most likely appear
Whistleblowers have surfaced claiming they were not properly trained to provide Trump’s security
And agents were pulled to cover a Jill Biden indoor campaign event nearby with threats compared to Trump lacking any parity
The Department of Homeland Security has denied such reports
But clearly this is how conspiracy theories germinate and are hard to cut short
Not sure that the report will reveal the obvious what is caused by the dog whistles of hate
Claiming Trump and his supporters are Nazis and threats to democracy by implication bullets rate
One of Trump’s debate best lines was when Trump claimed Harris almost got him killed
Why the over the top Blue rhetoric 24/7 if not stopped will

© 9/12/2024 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet

Both Parties Claim They Won the Harris Trump Debate But Clear Loser Was ABC's Moderators' Anti-Trump Bias


The first debate between Trump and Harris is in the books
And both parties claiming their candidate the victory took
But the critical voting segment of voters the Independents
In significant numbers favoring Trump went
But to determine the loser much easier to decide
ABC best known as “Always Biased Commentary” or “Always Biased Cack”
With its moderators Muir and Davis shedding all semblance of objectivity to Trump attack
Either in words or in Davis’ case also facial expressions indicating disbelief
While allowing Harris to evade questions with nonresponsive answers to from her record provide relief
Harris may not have proved she would be a capable commander in chief
Only that she is a commander of deception and rebranding of her record that has brought us nothing but grief
Harris knows she has not moved the needle and seems to be asking for another debate night
But Trump should only agree if it’s on Fair and Balanced Fox to avoid another 3 against 1 fight
Or better yet a debate by Trump and Harris with only by them the questions asked
Allowing the voters to determine who is better suited to solve our critical tasks
With so many voters in the dark on Harris by political ads that only bombard
With little or no objective facts but almost completely a lot of canards
Harris is being slammed for refusing to press conferences hold
But until the MSM sheds its hear no evil, see no evil or say no evil only damaged goods to viewers will be sold
We can’t move forward unless we first go back
To lower inflation and crime, secure borders and antisemitism attacked

© 9/12/2024 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet


Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Make of Break Debate for Break for Trump and Harris Records and Policies Prevail over Personality and Vibes



RIDLEY’S BELIEVE IT OR NOT September 10, 2024

Political Debate Shoot Out at the OK Coral

After hiding and refusing to answer questions even from a friendly press
So her positions on the rebranded Harris 2.0 from voters she has tried to suppress
Trying to be for the first time in modern political history as the current V.P.
Trying to be labeled as a nonincumbent so her past record the voters will not see
Finally kicking and screaming and digging in her heels she has tossed in the towel in opposing a debate
Tonight a 9:00 P.M. EDT Trump and Harris will try to convince the voters they should be the captain of this ship of state
Already her MSM supporters have lowered the bar with their spin
Almost to the point that in her just showing up she will win
As the first step to ready selected debate clips
That she ended the debate with the title winner in her grip
Using her own words that “I was the last person in the room”
Trump will tie her to the disastrous policy decisions that brought us doom
From opening the border, to the misnamed Inflation Reduction Act
To the flood of illegal migrants putting our towns’ and cities’ safety and social welfare under attacks
While Bidenomics have pushed families into a world of economic pain
Burdened by crippling national debt and vacillating treatment of our allies sending our standing and trustworthiness down the drain
In her own words “My values haven’t changed” but asking Americans to believe she will fulfill her myriad of flip flops
When most Americans except those infected with TDS Stage 4 rightfully believe on election her efforts will completely stop
Expect Harris to play the abortion card falsely claiming Trump wants to ban abortion which he does not
And aping Walz’s claim that such a thick 2025 Initiative will be used to achieve right wing policies the Heritage Foundation has sought
This election will determine whether personality and vibes or policy and record of both will prevail
If the latter Harris’ election by landslide will fail
If the former and a host of cackles we no longer see the election will be razor thin
With the MSM 24/7 and Social Media, other than X slanting news in her favor sadly she may just  win

Please enjoy the poems on events of interest on my X Alaskanpoet account  (if you like them, retweet, and follow me) and follow my blogs. Always good, incisive and entertaining poems on my blogs—click on the link below. Go to for poems to inspire, touch, emote, elate and enjoy and poems on breaking news items of importance

              © September 10, 2024 Alaskanpoet
              Alaskanpoet for Hire, Poems to Admire
              Poet Extraordinaire, Beyond Compare
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Saturday, September 7, 2024

High Stakes in Tuesday's Harris Trump Debate


After refusing to hold any press conferences to defend her as yet unknown policy agenda before a largely pro Blue press
Harris meets Trump in a critical and highly anticipated debate which will either subject to ridicule or voters impress
Trump as usual is like the Christian walking into the media lions’ den
The question Trump supporters ask is not if he will be subject to biased questioners’ attacks but when
David Muir who is the anchor of World News Tonight leads in viewers and Trump does not detest
As opposed to political hack George Stephanopoulos who comes up to his chest
Who will not be involved in the debate to the chance of bias being reduced
Linsey Davis the other co-moderator has moderator experience and anchors the World News Tonight of Sunday
For Harris it will be the first time she is not tethered to a teleprompter and will have no notes to display
Stakes are high and if Harris has not received questions in advance
Against Trump if he stays on focus will have little chance
To escape her record now obscured by flip-flop chaff
And her proclivity to swamped by her uncontrollable cackles and laughs
© 9/7/2024 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet

Caitlin Clark Enroute To a Rookie of the Year and Most Valuable Player Award Keeps Setting Records and Drawing in Fans


If you like Women’s Basketball because you are bored by dunks but love the swish of the threes
Then view a Fever game with Caitlin Clark in person or on TV
She has iced 100 threes in the WNBA in a record number of games
And became the first rookie in WNBA to achieve two triple doubles fame
Due in large part to her skills her Fever is 18-17
And for the first time since 2016 the Fever will be part of the playoff scene
The team has a great chance to end with a winning season for the first time since 2017
She has endured more than her fair share of flagrant fouls yet not losing her mien
With black players dominating the WNBA not quite as bad as it the NBA
We are seeing toward her far too much reverse racism on display
With her on the court, both home and away
The stands are packed with fans wanting to see her play
The rising popularity of the game and TV coverage is on the increase
Scrooge like owners may well be forced to their purse strings release
Which would mean players would not have to Europe go
Run the risk of a Griner like repeat of a trial that is all show

© 9/7/2024 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet

Thursday, September 5, 2024

If Trump Stays on Her Radical Leftist Record During the Debate the Word Salad Queen Is Toast


The SS Harris Honeymoon is now leaking like a sieve
As her rebranding consisting of flip flopping that voters will not forgive
While her hiding from any press conferences after her nomination for 47 days
And refusing to lay out her policies will not undecided voters sway
Trump has zeroed in on her record on issues that most Americans are affected by
Inflation, the economy, crime, the open border with millions of illegals and too much drugs like fentanyl that cause too many Americans to die
The race is still in the battleground states very close
But voters are tired of her cackles and her new record she’ll start doing on day 1 boast
The debate in several days will be critical to determine the race
If Trump stays on her record any belief the Word Salad Queen is fit will be erased
After Putin implied that he could work with Harris
Voters another Trump Russian collusion hoax even the MSM this time should spare us
Seems each day another prominent Blue seems to be jumping from the SS Harris Honeymoon ship
Knowing like a leopard not changing spots she will not be freed from her past radical leftist grip

© 9/5/2024 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet


Hunter Pleads Guilty to 9 Counts of Tax Evasion and Will Be Sentenced on December 16, 2024 Will Biden Pardon Him Before Leaving Office on January 20, 2025


Jury selection for Hunter Biden’s trial for tax evasion had just begun
When Hunter would the court and the DOJ stun
Announced he was prepared to drop his too high on drugs to pay taxes defense
And plead guilty to the 9 tax evasion counts offenses
His defense attorneys seemed caught by surprise
Without an agreed plea deal the action would normally be unwise
The judge accepted his plea of guilty on all 9 counts and will sentence him on December 16, 2024
After his sentencing for federal firearms’ violations on November 13, 2024
Raising the question will Biden his earlier vow to not pardon ignore?
Supposedly Hunter entered his plea today to avoid having the feds introduce evidence of his acts while addicted that would have damaged members of the Biden family
For a reformed addict the rule of blood is thicker than water would again apply and his guilty pleas would be viewed as acting manly and valiantly
If either on November 13, 2024 or December 16, 2024 Hunter is sentenced to prison or ordered to pay hefty fines
Biden as a father with only one son left will his earlier vow now decline?
And despite claiming to be fit to remain in the race be forced by a coup to withdraw
He will most likely view his prior vow on pardons to be flawed
If the sentences involve only manageable fines and probation
He probably will not pardon and face condemnation
Which would preserve his legacy and assist Hunter to stay sober and clean
To continue from his use of drugs in his life wean

© September 5, 2025 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Members of Walz's family support Trump and oppose Tampon Tim's policies

 A photo is worth a thousand words
Is a saying that is often heard
And if it is of a political family its word value will increase
But if it is of a political family divided any limits on its word value cease
We now learn that in addition to his Brother Jeff members with the values of the Midwest
Are MAGA supporters who Tampon Tim’s policies strongly detest
Trump will be meeting with Jeff and one hopes
Jeff will reveal Tampon Tim’s integrity, honesty and values to be a slippery slope
Harris must be ruing the fact

That she dumped Shapiro due the Blues’ antisemitic wing attack

Jeff Walz is Like Abel with his gift of MAGA support and Tim Walz is like Cain with his gift of rotten leftist ideas that will the American Dream killoTfit amd


Tampon Tim has a brother name Jeff who thinks Tim’s policies should be flushed down the drain
Reds must be delighted this Midwestern Values myth has a brother that makes the two of them a political Abel and Cain
Jeff is a Trump supporter and formerly an assistant principal and owner of a musical instruments store
Estranged from younger brother Tim and has stories about him that if revealed voters Tim would deplore
Tampon Tim so poorly vetted has already had his Midwestern Values myth battered
Hopefully brother Jeff starts revealing the real Tampon Tim so his voter approval is shattered
He is the Biblical Cain whose gift to God was fruit that had fallen to the ground
Like the unsound radical record and policies of Tampon Tim that are without value and unsound
While Abel was a shepherd who brought the firstborn from his flock of sheep
Gifts that were esteemed and deemed to have value to keep
So in a fit of rage and jealousy Abel by Cain was killed
If elected Tampon Tim’s and Harris’ policies like Abel will make us fatally ill

© 9/4/2024 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet

14 Year Student at Apalachee High School in Winder, Georgia Shot and Killed 2Students and 2 Teachers and Wounded 9 Before Surrendering


14 year old Colt Gray, a student at Apalachee High School in Winder, Georgia, went on a shouting spree
Shot and killed 2 students and 2 teachers and wounded 9 before classrooms were locked or survivors were able to flee
Gray was quickly confronted by a school resource officer who must have been armed
And quickly dropped his weapon and dropped to the ground to end further harm
Too soon to learn the weapon or motive or whether those wounded or killed were targets
But the sad day is one that residents and survivors will not soon forget
Harris and Trump quickly responded with condemnation of the act and empathy for the victims and their families and those who survived
Do not be surprised that quickly the gun control debate will on steroids be revived
In a rush to judgment Trump and his MAGA supporters will be blamed
When what is really needed is how to spot symptoms of mental illness and proclivities for violence with programs to tame
Entering a school should be like heading into a flight
To pass through metal detectors to reveal guns and knives creating a carnage sight
Maybe one school resource officer is not enough to a shooting prevent
Maybe more armed teachers are added to deter an armed student

© 9/4/2024 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet


Tuesday, September 3, 2024


36 Year Old Birthday of Newport Rib Company Bartender


When stress tries to your tranquility and serenity rob
And news of the day make grown men sob
There is a place where a young man multi-task to do his job
To satisfy another hungry and thirsty mob
Where a young man who as a bartender excels
Serving beer, wine and well-crafted drinks that bring joy or calm to the daily stress Hell
A man in perpetual motion racing against the end of the happy hour clock
With Rob behind the horse shoe bar the good times roll and are never blocked
Turning on this Labor Day the age of 36
A candle in the wind but with a lasting thick wick
His patrons who know him wish him well
In birthday celebration whistles should be blown and we should hear the ringing of bells
And patrons who do not know you watch in awe
How could a bartender/server so handsome and full of wit and humor have no flaws?
The owner of the Newport Rib Company is blessed with a great staff
All of whom like Rob excel beyond words in their craft
With the menu and happy hour each day of the week it is the oasis place

With a great loyalty program and the piece de resistance when done a hot towel for your face





© 9/3/2024 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet



Ohtani Joined the 40/40 Club in a Record Low 126 Games and Needs Only 4 Stolen Bases and 6 Home Runs to Be the Only Player in the 50/50 Club


6 MLB players have stolen at least 40 bases and hit at least 40 home runs
But no one has yet achieved the 50/50 club to the fans totally stun
Shohei Ohtani from Japan is the incarnate of pitcher/homerun hitter the “Babe”
And nearing 50/50 milestone he is on a record crusade
As of Sunday he has 46 bases stolen and 44 homers hit
With 24 games left before the crusade in the regular season he must quit
Many players in the MLB have blinding base running speed
And many players have the power to drive balls over the fence one needs
But the combination of power and speed in one player is very rare
Over 140 players have hit 40 or more homers sometimes in multiple years
Stealing 40 or more bases much more common probably in the hundred’s so lists don’t appear
Ohtani in just 126 games (a record) has accomplished quite a feat
The Dodgers will be even more pleased if he ends the season as the only player on the 50/50 seat

© 9/3/2024 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet

Monday, September 2, 2024

Message to Illegals Should Be There Is Less Safety, Less Work, No Sanctuary or Financial Aid and More Deportations


In Chicago the Windy City through August 31, 2120 people were shot and 370 from their wounds did die
If you are one of those shot every 2 hours and 47 minutes you have a 94.07% chance to death deny
Still a very dangerous place to be and have a family
But your shooters as marksmen or Olympic shooters you would not see
For those illegals making the dangerous trek to our Southern border to cross
To escape the crime and cartel violence so bad that there are too many lives lost
The high survival rates could be a magnet for fleeing to safety seek
Causing our open border to be like trying to without oars go upstream in a raging creek
In Venezuela with all the felons released from prisons to safety and rich targets seek
And who given the dangers of the cartels’ control of the trek are strong not meek
We should spin the narrative that it is not safe here and with E-filing, no financial assistance and no sanctuary it is wiser not to appear
Sadly the message of why you should not come is one they will have deaf ears
Like the millions of immigrants who passed through Ellis Island
If you could not support yourself and family your entry we would withstand
It sounds very inhumane
But for every death here more might in their home country remain

© 9/2/2024 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet

Posters Falsely Calling Harris the Eagles' Candidate Is Harris Show Desperation in the Harris Camp

 Sadly, this race given Harris and Biden record should be a blowout for Trump
But given the lawfare, Harris’ reimaging flip flops that MSM other that Fox will not expose on the campaign stump
In the Swing States the election will be decided the slimmest of margins to win
Signs of desperation by the Blues to the narrative in favor of Harris spin
In Philadelphia in the Keystone State false ad posters are appearing naming Harris as the Eagles’ candidate
The ends justify the means creed of the Blues that we all regardless of party should berate
The Eagles organization has their talons out
To the posters are fraud to loudly and often shout
Created by street artist Winston Tseng to with brands social issues communicate
NFL fans tend to be more conservative pro-Trump in this political debate
Sports and political party endorsements do not mix well
The Eagles should find sold out games should be harder to sell

© 9/2/2024 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet

Biden Faults Netanyahu For Not Doing Enough To Push For a Ceasefire With Hamas


As IDF forces were closing in on a tunnel where 6 Jewish hostages were being held
Hamas proved by its acts any sense of decency and humanity they had shelved
Took black and white video tapes of each hostage as their last words they spoke
Then shot each in the head to their lives revoke
And are now releasing the tapes taunting the parents of these 6 dead hostages whose only sin was to go to a music festival to enjoy
Interrupted by hundreds of armed Hamas terrorists on October 7, 2023 deployed
Killing, wounding or taking hostages of anyone unlucky to be in sight
Including the elderly and young infants who lacked ability or desire to fight
Not sure what each hostage said before one by one or all at once they were shot
Only that the tapes would  bring these savages the joy of inflicting such unimaginable pain on the viewing parents they sought
Doubt if these subhumans did not have masks to cover their faces
If maskless Israel will move Heaven and Earth to ID them, find them and their lives erase
The King of Gaffes and the Word Salad Queen entered and then from the Situation Room emerged
Biden slammed Netanyahu that he was not doing enough to a ceasefire urge
How you can ever negotiate with subhumans who want all Jews in Israel to leave or be killed
Until only a few non leader Hamas terrorists have not been added to the butcher’s bill?

© 9/2/2024 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet

The King of Gaffe and the Word Salad Queen with the Court Jester Tampon Tim on the Campaign Trail


Biden has ended MIA weeks of vacationing and rest to join Harris on the campaign trail
Not sure what energy and mind improvement drugs he is taking to his impairment derail
So viewers in the swing states will have to endure the King of Gaffes and the World Salad Queen
With Tampon Tim the interview emotional comfort dog with barks in between
Harris is reimagining herself as a nonincumbent not since 1/20/2021 the V.P.
Thinking voters are too stupid to ignore what she has or has not done and instead focus on the acts from day one we will see
She should shed her high heels and flip flops now wear
More appropriate for the dramatic changes in positions she tries to share
Her bogus claims she now supports fracking and  adding to the wall a few miles long
Will evaporate faster than a puddle in a triple digit heat evaporation swan song
Each time Biden takes the stage with her with a teleprompter tightly crafted script
And lapses and gaffes destroying her concealment and claims he was sharp and fit
She will lose what meager credibility she has in her electability bank
And if Trump and Vance stick to the issues and her record, her campaign is in the tank

© 9/2/2024 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet