VP Harris is off on hyped up rants That Florida's new middle school curriculum is on a slavery was beneficial to the slaves slant No one in their right mind could ever believe That men and women ripped from their villages that in an alien land as slaves benefits were achieved For once she is not speaking baby talk or tossing out word salads with dressing With anger and zeal over imagined gaslightig distortion of history she is addressing Only problem is that the only slavery real history distortion is on her In the curriculum no sugarcoating of slavery occurrs This nation would be a far better place If not one African slave our shores ever did grace No Civil War with over 650,000-850,000 dead No Jim Crow, lynchings, civil unrest with riots as the nation tried to move ahead To now be bogged down in CRT and demands for reparations instead Despite the efforts of many and expediture of trillions spent the stain of slavery is still not shed Until King's dream is at last realized that we must judge a person by the content of their character not color of skin We will be faced with confronting racial disharmoney all too frequent and heading us down paths that are not win win
© 7/21/2023 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet
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