Monday, July 3, 2023

AOC Rants to Impeach SCOTUS on Affirmative Action and Student Debt Forgiveness--She Should Ask Not For Forgiveness But Restructure


Listening to the rants of AOC
It’s pretty easy to see the Constitution is to her an unread mystery
She slammed the SCOTUS decisions ending affirmative action
And forgiving $426 billion in student debt is an allowed executive order transaction
That somehow the “Heroes Act” for veterans of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan
Can be subject to a stroke of a pen for students who didn’t fight but borrowed for degrees leading to higher paying jobs across the land
In our separation of powers the legislature makes laws as it did in authorizing student debt
And the executive branch executes the law which in the case of our borders Biden always seems to forget
Her arguments of Biden’s legal ability to forgive student debt disguised as a brazen way to obtain votes
Thank God her and her fellow leftists chances on prevailing are very remote
Her other bright idea is that SCOTUS Justices should be impeached
A right that already exist if SCOTUS Justices their oath of their judicial requirements breach
Instead of ranting in normal idiotic form in 1804 Justice Samuel Chase was by the House impeached
In his trial the verdict of acquittal was by the Senate reached
Why doesn’t this flaming leftist not propose forgiveness but restructuring the debt
To increase the term for repayments and decrease the interest rates to reduce the inability to repay threat
For Americans who have repaid their student debt and those with no degrees
A tremendous slap in the face to add to the inflation spree
Sadly for AOC too many cataracts of bias to cloud her mind
To economic reality has rendered her blind

© 7/2/2023 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet

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