New York Daily News may on its last legs
as it reduces its staff
Not a minor
reduction but a cut by half
Across the country
newspapers are having a rough time as circulation and ad revenues drops
As on line
revenues soar as more and more buyers use their computers and phones to shop
On line
advertising targeting and slicing and dicing buyers is on the rise
Do not be
taken aback if more newspapers face demise
Even in New
York City there are thousands of deplorables who resent
The the
vicious front pages, cartoons and editorials mocking our president
The New York Daily News has published cover
pages that are journalistic dregs
don’t want to read about Trump being mocked— why the paper is on its last legs
Like Trump holding bare chested Putin’s hand
While pointing
a gun at Uncle Sam
portraying him as a clown
Trying to
tear our values down
Trump as a
clown with title Dawn of the Brain Dead
not the way to attract subscribers from the Reds
Here is a New York
Daily News link
To anti-Trump
front cover ink
© July 22,
2018 Michael P. Ridley
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