Ridley's Believe It Or Not September 27, 2020
CV World Cases: The CV pandemic across the planet continues with 217,338
new cases (a .66% increase compared to a 1.21% increase yesterday)
to bring the total over 33 million to 33,183,342 cases, 7,675,479
of which are active, 25,507,863 of which have been
closed with 24,507,503 recoveries (96.08% compared to yesterday’s
96.06%) and 1,000,360 deaths (3.92% compared to yesterday’s 3.94%) to
continue the trend of increased recovery percentages and decreased mortality
CV USA Cases: New cases of 21,823 with total cases over 7 million at 7,295,718 (a
.3% increase compared to yesterday’s 3.62% increase) with 2,560,723 active
cases of which 14,093, on a downward trend with slight blips from a high of
19,155 on July 23 (14,135 yesterday and 15,881 on September 1), are
in serious or critical condition as trend continues to go down, and 4,734,995 closures,
209,242 of which have been deaths (4.42% compared to yesterday’s 4.43%)
and 4,525,753 of which have been recoveries (95.58% compared to
yesterday’s 95.57%) (our death rate percentages continue to improve and are
finally in single digits since Cuomo repealed on May 10 his order sending
CV positive patients to nursing homes and ADL facilities and on a deaths per
million population measurement at 631 ranks behind Peru (972), Belgium (860),
Spain (668), Bolivia (668), Brazil (665), Chile (660), and Ecuador
(637), and only slightly worse than UK (618), Italy (593), Sweden
(581) that never closed its economy down like we did and Mexico (590) which
announced it has run out of death certificates due to surge in deaths. We have
now conducted 103,723,485 tests (now at 312,921/M compared to Russia at 309,011/M
so Trump is telling truth that we conduct more tests in number and on a per
capital basis but for the U.K. at 341,155).
Non CV Case
News: Supposedly the NYT will have an “October Surprise” as it claims it has
received tax returns for Trump stretching back decades which according to it
will show no or very little taxes paid to to losses in Trump businesses,
reports which Trump has earnestly denied; RBG’s casket was removed from lying
in state so the dog whistles of riots must have been blown again in Louisville,
Portland and Seattle with police attacked and laser targeting, car explosion
and fire, arrests and vandalism but fortunately no one shot; the Houston area
declared a water emergency now lifted after a girl was infected with the brain
tissue eating ameba Naegleria fowleri and who fortunately recovered after a
long stint in ICU and a ventilator and an experimental drug (scary news as the
infection is almost always fatal but fortunately is very, very rare); the Rock
claiming to be a centrist politically has just endorsed the most leftist ticket
ever put forth by the Democratic Party (successful actor but wrong big time on
this one so I hope he enjoys the Biden tax hike he will be hit with); the
attacks against Barrett are rising in intensity with hate mongers like Ibram X.
Kendi claiming she is a “white colonizer” for adopting 2 children from Haiti
(what does that make Obama’s white mother who was 3 months pregnant when she
married Obama’s African American father or his white grandparents that spent a
lot of time raising him?); not sure if it is a going through the motions front
but Pelosi has warned colleagues that Barrett’s Catholic religion should be out
of bounds from attack.
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