Thursday, June 6, 2024

Without His Teleprompter Biden Is Frail, Senile and Disoriented Old Man That Has No Business To Run For Reelection


As a private report has been released of 45 private Biden meetings
It is clear that without a teleprompter to guide his words he his cognitive mental ability is fleeting
Even Blues are being forced to admit
That he has some good days but too often his cognitive ability quits
His energy level too often approaches shut down levels
A national security risk if we face a 3:00 A.M. crisis from one of the world’s devils
The Blue powers that be have to believe the issue of his bowing out not if abut when
Taking office at 82 there is no way of his being all hands on deck when against a crisis we must defend
At Omaha Beach with a teleprompter he seemed to keep it together
His staff terrified he would go off line or discard the teleprompter tether
He must have thought after his speech he was at the White House announcing his latest act
When he turned away from Macron who met with D-Day vets and walking away showing his back
The only reason for Biden in the office to remain
Is to pardon his son Hunter who faces years in a cell to contain

© June 6, 2024 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet

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