Sunday, June 23, 2024

Tyler Cherry a DEI Appointee To Interior Promoted To W.H. Assistant Communications Director Trying To Prove He Has Shed His Youthful Radical Leftist Views


Tyler Cherry is a poster child
When DEI becomes the standard and runs wild
From the photos posted Tyler seems very gay
To each his own but grave concern over his political ideas on display
Has compared the police to slave patrols
The end to capitalism his stated goal
Rabid anti-Israeli, pro-Palestinian to his inner core
After slotted to fill a box at Interior his leftists rants with his promotion now hard to ignore
As an assistant communications director at Interior was likely a rabid warrior in the fossil fuels war
Now promoted to White House assistant communications director concern over his leftist views have soared
So Tyler Cherry does what bureaucrats do when their past is revealed
Claims those views were those when young and by him have long since been repealed
Time will show whether this appointee promoted to fill the DEI box
Is true to his word and not infected with the mediocracy pox
And unlike the leopards running free on the African plains
Can really change his spots and from his earlier leftist outbursts refrain

© June 23, 2024 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet

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