Monday, June 10, 2024

California Has to Repay $58 Million of Medicaid Payments Illegally Paid To Illegals


Finally Newsom’s illegal magnet of goodies for illegals has been partially degaussed
Illegal aliens were receiving Medicaid benefits that landed the state in the fed’s dog house
Federal audit of the illegal payments to illegals was discovered
And $58 million in funds paid out by the state were recovered
While many illegals may be fleeing an economic privation life
Only a small few are legitimate asylum seekers from political persecution strife
And the rest are here to claim the full baskets of benefits and aid
Or to by criminal and illegal drug activity our safety degrade
What the left cannot understand
Illegals have to pay huge sums to cartels to cross into this land
The cartels are reaping to enter here at least $5,000 a head
To be paid off by off the books work or human trafficking to prevent becoming dead
Money paid to cartels to all facets of Mexican life corrupts
And adds to the number of American drug deaths that across our nation erupt
It may seem heartless or cruel
But ending all benefits for illegals would be a great cartel fighting tool

© 6/10/2024 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet

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