Sunday, June 30, 2024

Pelosi Inanely Complains It Is Trump Not Biden Who Has Dementia


Nancy Pelosi at age 84 after watching the debate
Inanely asserted it is Trump who has dementia on his cranial plate
Famous for her biased political hyperbole like the Trump Tax Cuts providing only crumbs to the middle class
Or inane political theatrics of physically ripping apart Trump’s SOTUS to be tossed into the trash
Or in a meeting on border security refusing to fund the needed border wall with no more than a dollar bill
Shocked us all when she turned the reins over to Rep. Hakeem and is not Minority Leader still
Looking her clearly shows the title of Botox Queen she has rightfully earned
Could it be that watching her a new use for Botox we will learn?
Will prolonged use halt or hinder dementia’s advance?
But will not modify her leftist policies most Americans hold askance
Trump’s brain is working on all cylinders although his behavior give some cause to complain
But Biden’s brain is stuck in low gear unable to be up to speed to solutions to our difficult issues to attain 
Nice try Pelosi but it will except by the most fanatic Blues be ignored
No one believes a brain devastated by dementia can be restored

© 6/30/2024 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet

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