Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Bowman Became the First Incumbent in 2024 To Lose Primary To a Challlenger


Until now Blues facing challenges from Blues calling themselves members of The Squad
Whose leftist pro-Palestinian anti-Israel agenda many declining numbers of moderate Blues feared as flawed
Were fearful of facing primary defeat
And losing to the AOC led The Squad their seat
Today in New York a moderate Blue no longer had reason to shake and quiver
Blue Latimer against the leftist Squad member Bowman an upset delivered
Bowman was pro-Palestinian to the core
A troubling fact Jewish voters and donors could not ignore
Jewish PAC money flowed into  the race in a tidal wave
Even a wild dancing AOC and appearance by Sanders, Bowman’s seat could not save
His failed campaign will be remembered for his profanity laced rage
While AOC jumped and contorted like a woman on Meth dancing on the stage
Lesson learned than antisemitism and pro-Palestinian arrows cannot fill a quiver
And pull-the-fire-alarm-to-prevent-a-vote Bowman went down in flames to an upset Latimer delivered

© 6/25/2024 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet

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