Monday, June 10, 2024

"Stormy" Hostin of the View Finding Conservative Blacks Is As Fruitless As Finding Unicorns


If you want to listen to leftist consistency The View is the place to go
Have your senses dulled and numbed by the bias the co-hosts are prone to sow
Better named “Stormy” as opposed to “Sunny” Hostin takes the cake
Labeling blacks as conservatives as a blatant unicorn mistake
What this biased take=black-voters-for-granted voter plantation owner is too blind to see
Is that blacks as slaves to the their Blue voting masters are from them starting to flee
Blues may still rein in a majority of black votes
But the numbers represent a narrowing moat
Blacks like whites can see Biden’s severe cognitive decline|
And like whites are suffering from his pro illegal migrants’ line
And Hispanic citizens also seeing under Biden their safety and prosperity going to Hell
To the dismay of blind biased Blues are fleeing to Trump as well
Already passed by Jews due to Biden’s pro-Palestinian stand
Who will vote for Trump to help Israel a Hamas goal of genocide of Jews defeat in the desert sands
If Hostin and her co-hosts of The View want the Blues to the Oval Office win
They should be working 24/7 to toss Biden’s reelection campaign into the trash bin

© 6/10/2024 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet

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