Saturday, June 29, 2024

The Cries Are Rising For Biden To Withdraw Save For Jill Who Wants Him To Stay In


After the debate clearly showed with no room for doubt
That far too many neurons in Biden’s brain have died out
With his lapses, mumbles and 1000 yard stare
Viewers were alarmed about how few function neurons seemed still there
Biden’s brain is like a ship full of holes
Lifeboats and rafts being lowered in the hope of reaching shore as a goal
We will soon see the political equivalent of rats leaving a sinking ship
As dementia on Biden’s brain tightens its grip
Morning Joe, a rabid ex Red Biden supporter was before the debate
Touting that Biden’s mental capabilities were as ever before, totally first rate
Yet with Biden’s performance destroying that claim
Retracted that observation and intoned another Blue would have to be named
In swing state Georgia, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution  was calling on Biden for the good of the nation to withdraw
Following the footsteps of the New York Times whose editorial board was first to demand the same after during the debate what the members saw
For once leftists of The View clueless were finally not
Biden’s mental impairment mandated he withdraw from the 2nd term he sought
It would nice to be a fly on the Biden’s White House Bedroom wall
To see if Biden would cave to the MSM or whether Jill would be able to the withdrawal cries stall

© 6/29/2024 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet

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