Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Cuban Missile Deja Vu As Russian Naval Squadron in Havana Harbor To Conduct Military Drills--Ukrainian Support Quid Pro Quo?


Shades of the Cuban Missile Crisis where the Cold War came closest to going nuclear it ever came
A Russian Navy squadron of 3 ships have entered Havana’s Harbor to proclaim
Russian intent to conduct in the Caribbean military drills
Which should send to the Pentagon shivers of chill
After Biden authorized Ukraine to use U.S. supplied missiles to hit targets in Russia engulfing them in flames
Putin implied a quid pro quo exposing the U.S. from Russia allies like Venezuela and Cuba to the same
Putin’s implication is an empty threat
As Cuba and Venezuela are not that stupid yet
But the U.S. Navy is already stretched paper thin
And does not need another body of water and conflict it would have to win
North Korea, the Taiwan Straits, the Red Sea, and the Baltic already on the list
Our sanctions against Russians toolbox seems empty to force Putin to cease and desist
The only light in the tunnel to move the world’s rogues or bad action to rejoin civilized race
Will be in November when a senile, frail, cognitively impaired and low energy commander in chief is replaced

© 6/12/2024 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet



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