Sunday, June 9, 2024

Caitlin Clark Is a True Class Act Not Complaining About Being Left Off the Women's Olympic Team


Caitlin Clark is female basketball star beyond compare
Many fans are astounded at the Olympics on the U.S. Team she won’t be there
Never in the history of women’s college basketball has a women more points scored
And to further her skills to acclaim never has a man in college scored more
While some are claiming reverse racism because she is white
Her response not a shred of anger of such a claimed slight
Instead what we saw is a truly class act
Rooting for the U.S. Women’s Team for a Gold to bring back
When she heard the news to her coach she did not complain
Only that a competitive monster that resides within her can no longer be contained
History will show that she will be the best thing that ever happened in women’s basketball
An icon that encourages more girls to take up the sport that will fill arena halls
Salaries in the WNBA and commercial opportunities will increase
And the need to play in Europe in the off season and risk Russian prison like Griner be decreased
Fans tired of seeing a steady parade of dunks in the NBA
Are probably more attracted to passing assists and three’s on display

© 6/9/ 2024 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet


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