Sunday, June 16, 2024

Scale Ai has joined With Tesla To Scrap DEI and Replace It With MEI (Merit, Excellence and Intelligence;


In the Woke world of business and education, destructive Woke too often rules supreme
But finally the pendulum is swinging back and Woke push is losing steam
The DEI nails were being driven deep into the DEI crucifixion cross
Our safety, prosperity and security continued to suffer losses
When it came to promotions, skills needed, education one had to check the box
Then suffer from the infection of the mediocrity  pox
Scale AI’s CEO Wang has stated his company will not be driven by DEI
But on MEI the company will foster and across product lines rely
Merit, Excellence, and Intelligence
Against competition will be its best defense
Too often to the left means equal outcome
Which in a competitive market is hardly welcome
Equal opportunity to try to succeed most certainly yes
Probably requires more charter schools and the power of teachers unions to depress

© 6/16/2004 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet


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