Thursday, June 13, 2024

Anti-Israeli Protestors at Cal State L.A. Leave Peaceful Protest Site To Seize and Damage Student Services Building Before LAPD Arrive and Forced To Leave


The anti-Israel protests continue across this land
Shedding more and more the peaceful label by more and more bands
Fortunately nowhere near the national protests on the Vietnam War in size
But becoming more violent and destructive with antisemitism on the rise
Cal State L.A was latest college to be hit
50-100 protestors seized a student services building and departure of its president and some employees would not permit
Wearing kaffiyehs and face coverings they erected barricades around the building to keep outsiders from coming in
With the memory of the Holocaust and survivors still alive this a protest they will not win
Buildings and contents were damaged and graffiti in the rooms applied
But when finally some administrators showing spine LAPD arrived and their orders to vacant the protestors complied

© 6/13/ 2024 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet


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