Sunday, June 9, 2024

Bad Sign For Biden As 20,000+ Nevadans Suffer 100 Degree Heat At a Trump Rally


Seeing  20,000+ Nevadans forsake the comfort of their air conditioned homes to stand in 100 degree heat
From his air conditioned home or on a temperate Delaware beach Biden must be sweating over his pending defeat
To endure at a Trump rally the 100+ degree swelter
Knowing he could not draw that number without paid attendee helpers
People who put their temperature comfort aside
To Trump hear portends a Trump landslide
That’s why the DNC is giving Biden one last chance
In the first debate before the DNC convention to prove he has the cognitive ability to his campaign advance
Otherwise from the party chiefs we will hear “Hey, Hey, Ho, Ho
It is time now for Joe as a nominee to go"

© 6/9/2024 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet


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