Monday, June 3, 2024

Canaday Wins 3rd Elimination Game in a Row Against UCLA To Face Texas In an Elimination Double Header--Go Stanford


Three times this season Stanford Women Softball played UCLA and went down in defeat
This Sunday with one day’s rest Stanford would again UCLA meet
NiJaree Canady in another elimination game was in the circle again
Stanford fans on edge fearful Canady tiring was not if but when
In the top of the first UCLA went down 1-2-3 with two strikeouts to see
In the bottom of the first Stanford went down 1-2-3 with two strikeouts as the hitting gods were deaf to our pleas
In the UCLA second the first batter Grant hit a solo home run
Chilling fear that Canady’s dreaded pitch velocity was done
Stanford followed with a single and there remained
In the UCLA third, two singles with the runners on the corners restrained
The Cardinal bats were warming up with three hits to two runs score
In the UCLA fourth the Stanford fans watched pitches vowing the Bruins would score no more
In the Cardinal fourth the Cardinal bats never left their quivers
In UCLA fifth their bats were ending any Stanford shivers
In the Stanford fifth two quick singles on bunts to later score one on a sacrifice fly
In the UCLA sixth three quick outs and chances to avoid a Westwood trip began to die
In the Stanford sixth the Stanford bats were to rest
Saving them for hits against Texas in Monday’s doubleheader test
With two outs in the top of the seventh Pola was hit by a pitch
A single followed then Pickett’s Softball Charge by a ground out was tossed into the ditch
Canady with no rest might have a chance to brand the Longhorns with one loss
But winning a second in a double header might be even for her too many pitches to toss
Only if the Stanford bats can repeat their 8-0 drubbing of Oklahoma State
Will the Cardinal have a chance to avoid a Palo Alto trip caused by a loss that will them await
Dreams of a record upset must not dim or die
Watch them at 4:00 P.M. to the Longhorns’ trip to the finals deny

© 5/3/2024 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet





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