Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Kim Wins Blue Senate Minority But Menendez Files As an Independent Putting New Jersey in Play For Reds


In New Jersey once viewed by Blues as being a safe Blue Senate seat
Were on the receiving end of an unpleasant surprise that may mean a Blue defeat
Blue representative Andy Kim won the Blue primary for Menendez’s Senate seat
While Menendez filed on Monday as an Independent to another victory repeat
Both will face Red Curtis Bashaw who in the Red primary a Trump backed candidate he would defeat
With Manchin not running and West Virginia solid Red taking majority is only one more seat
With Menendez indicted for bribery still in the race
A good chance Kim and Menendez will split Blue votes putting Bashaw in first place
Political ideology set aside the way to judge a man is how with his wife he stands
Menendez’s wife is fighting 3rd stage cancer and voters may not understand
How the vows for in sickness and in health
Don’t apply when seeking a senate seat’s political wealth
How the lure of public office trumps being by a dying wife’s bedside
And may with that plus his indictment his campaign deride
Kim is already trying to link Menendez to Trump but a Bashaw link may be a stretch
Since he beat his Trump supported candidate Bashaw may the Senate seat fetch
© June 4, 2024 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet

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