Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Nothing But Feigned Anger and Over the Top Hypocrisy as Illegals Dropped Off in Front of VP "Cackles" D.C. House


Thousands of illegals are braving trafficking, cold temps, drowning or abandoned in the desert as to the border they struggle to make their way
Lining the pockets of the cartel for the privilege of being able to attempt to cross the border they must pay
With the border not secure but wide open the cartels are laughing all the way to the bank
Added millions to the illegal drugs and deadly ones like fentanyl that a leading cause of death ranks
As our CBP is overworked, demoralized and under great stress
The lack of coverage by the MSM shows they could care less
But when illegals are sent by governors to Martha’s Vineyard massive condemnation of Reds by the left is put in place
The welcome here left shows its true colors and ships them to  a nearby military base
And now when illegals on Christmas Eve are dropped off at the D.C. home of  VP “Cackles”
The left’s hypocrisy and feigned outrage unleashes a wave of massive hackles
Claiming the poor illegals have been dropped off in the cold
Abbott is heartless pushing a myth the trek here is a piece of cake being sold
not a peep from the MSM or the left on the dangers illegals on their trek face
Only foaming and attacking Abbott and Reds on the issue of illegals being an inhuman disgrace
If the border were secure and Biden’s actions did not the welcome mat tout
This cartel financed wave would quickly be blocked out

© 12/27/2022 Michael P. Ridley aka the Alaskanpoet

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