Tuesday, December 20, 2022

MIA "Cackles" Harris Blames Reds for Failing to Work with Blues for Path to Citizenship for Border Crisis


Once again “Cackles” rises up from her slumber to point her finger of blame
Directly at the Reds for their failure to create a path to citizenship to illegal immigration tame
She does not believe that when a finger is pointed 3 point back
And the thumb points to Hell where her views are on track
Her view that 1st illegals here be given a citizenship path
Then and only then can we Blues join to a secure border craft
Reagan was lied to by Ted so shame on Ted
If we ape the process and admit, shame on each and every Red
How can you believe any words out of “Cackles’” lips
When the Administration insists the border is secure and they are on top of it
Only a total idiot would not know
That only saying it is does not make it so
To secure the border the Wall we must complete
Applications for asylum must be filed in home country before asylum to seek
If not filed or filed and denied immediate deportation
Back to illegals’ home nation
To eliminate incentive to come here to work
Employers must no longer be able to requirements of e-verify shirk
Other than emergency care or public schooling for minor kids
Any public assistance like housing must be rid
May seem heartless and too draconian but with illegals coming across counting the  getaways at probably at 3 million or more
The damage done to our social safety net with some $31.5 trillion in national debt will swamp the lifeboats far from shore
Maybe for a year all immigration is halted until we agree on who gets to stay and what skills we need to let in
And we have a system of temps that can work and when work done back to where from whence they have been
We have to have a system that lets in the brightest and the best
Not those who are prime candidates for welfare or soon subject to arrest
© 12/20/22 Michael P. Ridley aka the Alaskanpoet

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