Saturday, December 15, 2018

Harris See No Evil Hear No Evil

Kamala Harris who is a wanna-be fpr the  White house lawn
Is a favorite for whom the MSM likes to fawn
Treatment of her is one of total pampering
A settlement of 400 grand by the State may her aspirations hamper
 One of her administrative assistants filed a complaint against her top aide Wallace while she was still AG
Of course she denied knowledge of the acts that prompted the claim never any improper behavior did she see
The plaintiff against Wallace, Hartley, was forced to sign a nondisclosure agreement
To any discussion of the settlement entered into in May of 2017 prevent
So typical of politicians to protect their own and their aides
The existence of the agreement and the payment was kept from the public in the shade
Fast forward to last week and the Sacramento Bee learned that the agreement did exist
Wallace resigned as an aide to Senator Harris so she did not have to his resignation insist
Harris has defended the #MeToo Movement and against non disclosure agreements has railed
Yet her successor also a Blue demanded one or the state from writing a check would bail
Hard to believe that she did not know of the abuse, the nondisclosure or the settlement
$64,000 question as the AG when the crimes took place if she did, would she have tried to the nondisclosure prevent
To ignore a bill she co-sponsored with Murkowski that would prevent
Facts on a nondisclosure by the victim to the press and the public being sent
Like too many Blues, in defense of women from Red acts, she is always ready to pounce
But if the guilty party is a Blue only the sounds of silence when time comes to denounce
Double standard but from this woman what do you expect
Yet another reason for us to her campaign reject
© December 15, 2018 Michael P. Ridley

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