In the U.S. one needs a photo ID to
board a plane or ship or buy a ticket to ride a bus or a train
enter many an office building or government facility, to obtain welfare or to a
drivers license obtain
To cash a check, to apply for a job, to
get a library or social security card, to check into a motel or lodge
It is a fact of life that having a photo ID
is a requirement that is so hard to dodge
Blue North Carolina Governor Cooper vetoed
a photo ID voter bill
As Blue cries of voter suppression became
loud and shrill
voting system is based on trust
ends justifies the means the system may go bust
many federal or state dollars at risk
lust for power and office may be too hard to resist
more and more illegals coming into this country, the temptation of voting may
soon be too great
The legislature can overturn the
veto and that vote it should not wait
cannot allow illegal voting to the results of our election negate
A man without an ID is very rare but
fraudulent voting awaits
© December 14, 2018 Michael P. Ridley the
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