Thursday, September 13, 2018

Last Minute Borking of Kavanaugh by Feinstein

Feinstein is guilty of a last minute Borking sexual harassment hatchet job
A letter the contents not disclosed but believed to be a sexual harassment incidence lob
Against Kavanaugh when he was in high school four decades ago
Even if true which is doubtful, to paraphrase Sen. Baker the question is what and when  did of this incicent Rep Eschoo or Feinstein know
Prior to the hearing or during her meetings with him or during the hearings to confirm to be held back as damaging ammo?
Supposedly a letter from someone connected with Stanford who heard the victim or participant on the incident expound
To hold in reserve to prove based on an incident four decades ago he as a justice is today unsound
No questions have been asked of his youthful experiences as a teen with the opposite sex
40 years ago the meaning of no means no was a view not uniformly what society would totally accept
So there is no perjury trap
Only an attempt by the Blues to create a confirmation gap
No, this is a rumor based on hearsay not admissible in the court of public opinion or a court of law
A desperate attempt by Feinstein to beat back DeLeon because she exhibited courtesy which to the left is a fatal flaw
No judge or politician going back into the person’s childhood or teen past
Is completely without a perceived fault that with hypocrisy merits a sanctimonious gasp
Time to end this mockery and bias and vote to confirm
To sit on the SCOTUS bench for this year’s fall term
© September 13, 2018 Michael P. Ridley

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