Saturday, May 13, 2023

Student Debt Repayments to Begin Again But Will Tuition Continue to Soar So Problem Faced Again


It looks like students holding student debt are now in September having to start repaying it back
Biden’s attempt to $10-20 thousand was met with a withering opposed attack
National student debt has soared over the years
As more and more high school students believing in higher pay with diplomas on campuses started to appear
But like any federal program that enabled people to services and goods procure
The price went up faster than inflation to build endowment and new programs and building insure
At private universities endowment over the years has soared
With gains in the market and donations while many in the middle class have been gored
But worse with Woke sweeping the universities across the nation
Too many new degrees diluted the degree as a means of economic salvation
Coupled with the unplanned for pandemic that shed jobs like a bad dandruff case
Left too many graduates unemployed living with parents their job hopes erased
But the easy money of student loans place on the universities a finger of financial blame
For example in 1965 Stanford tuition was $1575 adjusted for inflation in 2023 $14,982 but never close to being tamed
Tuition at Stanford will set you back $61,371
Add room and board and fees and over a million when you are done
Time to listen to Andy Rooney
A CBS commentator on point never looney
“We need people who can actually do things. We have too many bosses and too few workers. More college graduates ought to become plumbers or electricians, then go home at night and read Shakespeare.” Andy Rooney

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