Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Corrie Bush and Rashida Tlaib Only 2 Nay Votes On a House Resolution Memorializing and Honoring Law Enforcement Officers Killed in the Line of Duty


The TV Show “Cops” starts with a clip from the song “Bad Boys”
Cop scenes chasing fleeing felons who tried to our safety destroy
On Monday by almost a unanimous vote a resolution by the House was passed
Memorializing and honoring law enforcement officers who in the line of duty passed
A resolution to honor the dead who gave their lives for us to be safe
How could anyone on a resolution honoring the dead justify by it being chafed?
Sadly two Reps who are quick to mouth the platitudes that community safety is their number one concern
By their “nay” vote revealed their desire to have the honors and solace of the cops’ survivors trashed and burned
Two vocal and vociferous members of the Squad
Led by AOC and whose views are idiotic and flawed
Rashida Tlaib and Corrie Bush have the dubious distinction of voting “nay”
They should by the voters be condemned and paraphrasing “Bad Boys” we should play
“Bad Reps, Bad Reps What cha gonna do
When the felons come for you?
Whose gonna answer your call as the door they’re breaking thru
Bad Rep, Bad Rep you have defunded those saviors in Blue
Bad Rep, Bad Rep What cha gonna do?
They’re pointing their guns to put bullets in you”

© May 16, 2023 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet



  1. have a laugh: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9IN9Boqg0UI&ab_channel=UnbeatenPathway

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
