Monday, March 25, 2024

Another NYC Cop Killed Approaching an Illegally Parked Car By a Shot To His Stomach Not Protected By His Vest


Another example today of our criminal injustice system is out of whack
The driver of a car illegally parked in NYC who was arrested for a gun charge last April was on the streets back
His 41 year old passenger had been arrested 21 times
Yet served only 2 prison sentences for his crimes
Refused to leave the car and pointed at the officers a gun
Before they could respond his shooting had begun
One officer, a 3 year vet with 70 arrests
Was shot in the stomach unprotected by his vest
Rushed to the nearest hospital where he died
Why with so many arrests was his hand not on his gun to the shooter’s first shot deny?
Shooter was wounded but sadly for residents’ future safety sake
A full recovery from his wounds he will make
With so many arrests why so few trials or pleas?
To deter more crime the inside of a cell he needed to see
Maybe the arrests were misdemeanors and Soros backed D.A.’s the charges dismissed
No wonder harder to recruit cops when the D.A.’s duty to enhance public safety is remiss
Why do bullet proof vests for police not extend?
To the stomach and groin area where a shooter would a bullet want to send?

© 3/25/2024 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet

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