Believe It Or Not For January 1, 2017 Looks like 2017 is going
to be a radical Islam repeat of 2016 as a gunman burst into an Istanbul night
club after shooting a policeman and a civilian outside and killed at least 37
celebrants and wounding dozens before fleeing into the night (national manhunt
for this killer); Chicago ended 2016 with over 760 homicides and over 3500 shootings
and has entered 2017 a bang (no pun intended) with two homicides in the Uptown
area (where is the mayor, where is the governor and where is the Illinois National
Guard and where is the outrage?); Mariah Carey totally flopped in her Times Square
performance on New Year’s Eve; Huskies were as expected crushed by Alabama; in
the Sun Bowl, Stanford beat North Carolina in a thriller with Stanford sacking

As always, I
hope you enjoy today’s holidays and observances, a music link to Elton
John, factoids of interest for this day in history, a relevant observation from
Pharaoh Akhenaton, looking forward to enjoying a the Word of the Year, blessed
with a positive attitude and secure in the knowledge
that if you want to find a gift for any memorable events like birthdays,
weddings, or anniversaries, you know that the Alaskanpoet can provide you
with a unique customized poem at a great price tailored to the event
and the recipient. You need only contact me for details.
1. Polar Bear Swim Day—time
to celebrate the new year with the madness of a group of swimmers plunging into
the frigid lake or ocean waters to raised money for charity or for the joy of
seeing that one’s heart is not stopped by the frigid waters. The first recorded
Polar Bear Swim took place in Boston in 1904. Great shot of event at Vancouver
where the water temp is probably in the low 50’s or high 40’s (note the boats
on hand to provide assistance if any of these fools cramp up):

Public Domain Day—celebrating
the day depending on the jurisdiction when copyrighted material comes into the
public domain and may be sold without payment of royalties.
Number One Song in 1975—celebrating
the number 1 song in 1975 on a run of 2 weeks in that position “Lucy in the Sky
with Diamonds” by Elton John. Here is a link to Elton John performing the
song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ib3EpoZH4xc
Word of the Year—The Oxford
Dictionary named as 2016’s Word of the Year “post truth” which means circumstances in which objective facts
are less influential in shaping public opinion than appeals to emotion and
personal belief. The word described our election season to a “T.”
5. H Is for Hypocrite—celebrating
the birth on this day in 1895 of J. Edgar Hoover the long time head of the FBI
who ran the bureau as his own personal secret police force, illegally wiretapping,
breaking and entering without warrants and subjecting suspected communists,
deviants and gangsters to illegal surveillance, including Martin Luther King,
Jr. He was instrumental in getting Eisenhower to ban the employment of gays in
the federal government although it has been highly suspected that Hoover was a
closet gay and a secret lover of his assistant Tolson whom he deeded his estate
On this day in:
1. 1772
travelers’ cheques were first issued by the London Credit Exchange Company for
use in 80 European cities.
2. 1788
the first issue of the Times of London was
3. 1804
French rule in Haiti ended and Haiti became the first black republic and second
independent country in North America after the United States.
4. 1808
the United States banned the importation of slaves but would have to undergo the
Civil War and 55 more years of slavery before the practice of slavery ended.
5. 1971
in another step to reduce smoking and the millions of deaths associated with it,
all cigarette ads are banned on television.
Reflections on how to live up to one’s New Year’s Resolutions: “Those who gave thee a body, furnished it with weakness; but
He who gave thee Soul, armed thee with resolution. Employ it, and thou art
wise; be wise and thou art happy.” Akhenaton, Pharaoh who ruled Egypt
for 17 years and sired King Tut. Please enjoy
the poems on events of interest on my twitter account below (if you
like them, retweet and follow me) and follow my blogs. Always good, incisive and
entertaining poems on my blogs—click on the links below. Go to www.alaskanpoet.blogspot.com for Ridley’s Believe It Or Not—This Day In
History, poems to inspire, touch, emote, elate and enjoy and poems on
breaking news items of importance or go to Ridley's Believe It Or
Not for just This Day in History.
© January 1, 2017 Michael P. Ridley aka the Alaskanpoet
Alaskanpoet for Hire, Poems to Admire
Poet Extraordinaire beyond Compare
The Perfect Gift All to Receive a Lasting Lift
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