Tuesday, October 15, 2024

How Can Walz Be a Hunter of Pheasants When He Can't Even Load His Own Shotgun


Walz does not have the clearly radical baggage Harris is stuck with
As 24/7 she struggles with her “rebranding efforts” to convince voters her radical views are a myth
But Walz struggles over his apparent needs
To lie and embellish his past deeds
Like implying he was in a war zone carrying a weapon of war
When he was safely in Italy miles and miles away from Iraq’s blood and gore
Or telling all he is a member of the NRA and a hunter of wild game
Trying to show off his pheasant hunting skills but looking quite lame
Having great difficulty in trying to load a shotgun he has owned for years
Fortunately in his troubles he did not replicate VP Cheney and shoot a fellow hunter near
Walz is trying so hard to be one of those good old Midwestern guys
But comes across as a “knucklehead” no matter how hard he tries
Each day it seems Walz’s past reveals more baggage he needs to chuck
While Harris must rue the day she bailed on Shapiro’s ability to woo PA instead of Walz who is running and gesturing wildly amok

© 10/15/2024 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet

Monday, October 14, 2024

Momentum Against the Idiocy of Allowing Male Transgenders Right To Play Against Women's Teams Gains As 5th Team Joins Boycott


In women’s volley ball the Spartans of San Jose State have found the perfect shortcut to win games
Forget about practice, running sprints or spending time in the weight rooms there’s an easier way to put a “W” after the Spartan name
Recruit a male transgender who can at 80 m.p.h. spike the ball into a female blocker’s face
To leave black eyes, a broken nose, or broken orbital bone to a once attractive female deface
Playing San Jose State results in almost a sure thing
An opposing team will refuse to play to a forfeit win bring
Southern Utah, Boise State, Wyoming and Utah State women’s volley ball teams have refused to play San Jose State with its male transgender
Have now been joined by Nevada whose team members ignored their school and refused to play an unfair contender
If Title IX has any chance to survive, school administrators, female athletes and politicians must yell with one voice
Women forced to play against chicks with dicks is not an acceptable choice
Any Blue who disagrees and wants to allow male transgenders as women compete
The parents of daughters must rise up as one and send such clowns to defeat
© 10/14/2024 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet  


Space X Astounds With Capture of Space X Heavy Booster Returning From 74 Km's in Space While Newsom Admin Moves to Allow Fewer Rockets From Being Launched Into Space s ;s HwitS


It may be harder for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God than a camel to pass through a needle’s eye
But even harder for a Space X Heavy Booster coming back from 74 kilometers in the sky
To while under its own rocket returning power
Be captured by arms on  its launch tower
Yet the idiots in Newsom’s administration have chosen to deny
Increasing the number Space X launches befitting human kind into the sky
Space X, Tesla and X moving their headquarters out of the state
Wonder what high tech company is next no longer willing to wait
For an end to higher taxes, crippling business regulations and soaring homeless and crime rates
The once Golden State attracting new residents now sees high taxpayers leaving through more and more open floodgates
In a state that once had a vibrant two party system with rational open debates
Now a Banana Republic where anyone questioning radical policies shoved down their throats is subject to vicious ad hominem berates
Seeing Trump at a huge rally stepping into the biased Blues’ lion den
May not flip the state but a good chance on the down ballots more Reds to political offices send

© 10/14/2024 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Wife of NFL Running Back Raheem Mostert Slammed on Social Media For Blasting Harris for Her Attacks on De Santis Over His Helene Response


Devon Mostert, the white wife of NFL running back for the Miami Dolphins' Raheem Mostert who is black

After on social media criticizing Harris for her Governor De Santis’ response to Helene  attacks

Bad enough the attacks were viciously racist but not threatening her life

Only demeaning her as a  “white, snowflake, gold-digging wife”

Which Devon rightly shed like water of a duck’s back

But these Social Media racists also her kids attacked

Once again proof positive that the left even a modicum of civility lacks

Sad commentary that free speech has collateral damage yet should not be sacked

Good chance that back into their faces will come the hateful spite
And the supporters of decency will with votes against Harris obtain revenge on Election Night

© 10/12/2024 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet

Former Intel and Military Leaders' Harris Endorsements v. Medal of Honor Recipients' and Gold Star Parents' Trump's Endorsements


Former Vice President Garner said the vice presidency was not worth more than “a warm bucket of spit"
The same can be said of endorsements of former military leaders and intelligence officers claiming Trump is not fit
Who can still unless suffering from  TDS Stage 4 still believe 51 former security officials who a letter claiming Hunter’s laptop was hoax, Russian misinformation signed
And the former senior military leaders supporting Harris and blasting Trump must feel because of their military service their Harris endorsements cannot be maligned
In war the senior military leaders are safely in well protected bunkers behind the front lines
Unlike the privates, noncoms, and lieutenants choking on MRE’s or K-Rations able to on fine cuisine dine
So it should come as surprise that Trump has secured the endorsements of 15 Medal of Honor winners who in Vietnam to Afghanistan in combat their time was spent
Along with the 100’s of Gold Star Parents of sons and daughters who never made it back save in the coffins in which they were sent
Trump is probably not liked by some of the senior military leaders who have Harris endorsed
Still resenting that they were held by Trump to be accountable when their efforts were below par for the course
Whose endorsements should voters at the polls follow
The former military and intel leaders whose words ring hollow?
Or those in the fox holes who faced death and survived
And those parents whose sons and daughters did not return alive?
The choice should be crystal clear
Having Harris as CIC is something most Americans should fear

© 10/12/2024 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet

Harris Refusing to Answer Questions and Sounding More and More Like a Coven of Witches Cackling May Be Losing Some MSM Lackey Support


Finally after enduring for years the death of comedy at SNL
Replaced by all the false Trump evils on which it chose to dwell
Parodying Harris being forced by the Blue’s growing pro-Palestinian wing
Who has caused former Jewish Blue voters to cringe
To pass over Governor Shapiro of the must win Keystone  State|
With Tampon Tim of Minnesota who admitted he was a knucklehead on the J.D. Vance debate
Aping her Miller Lite beer sipping interview with Colbert
With her sip so dainty doubtful a swallow was even there
Pathetic rebranding to be like one of the “guys”
Who by large majorities support for her deny
Like her revelations she owns a gun
And would shoot first before a breaking in intruder had chance to run
Suspect like the Barack and Michelle kudos call it was staged
Anything to distort truth and reality as until election 24/7 branding she engages
SNL spoof had her and “Dougie” watching the Walz Vance debate rage
Dropping her wine glass when Tim rants school shooters are his friends|
Spews out of her mouth the in her mouth about to be swallowed from a Walz’s inanity near skit’s end
Finally from SNL some humor is back
Spoofs not solely TDS Stage 4 on Trump and his supporters attacks

© 10/11/2024 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Milton After Massive Destruction Including 5 Deaths Has Entered the Atlantic As Biden Praises De Santis For His Response and Harris Slams Him For Being Selfish


Floridians have woken up to see the damage by Milton to their state
Before leaving it and heading into the Atlantic where weakening to a tropical storm then tropical depression status awaits
Leaving almost 4 million without power now reduced to 3.1
With 17 tornadoes and 5 deaths, storm surge and excessive rain floods before its stay in Florida was done
Millions upon millions of dollars in property damage that insurers’ bottom lines were severely hit
Now wishing insuring in Florida they could have quit
10,000 Florida National Guardsman called up to recovery from Milton and Helene assist
While Biden praising Governor De Santis for his preparations and responses he could not resist
Showing that no matter how impaired mentally he is on natural disasters after shamed for beach dwelling on Helene, he could perform as CIC
While Katrina Kamala was politicizing De Santis and off to Swing States for a fund raising and campaign rally spree
Blue hack the “Ragin Cajun” is worried about Harris facing an “October Surprise”
That would result in Harris’ presidential campaign demise
What if Biden still seething over Harris’ involvement in the Blue forced withdrawal coup
Irate over being thrown into the trash and already attacking her subtlety upped the ante with a move she would really rue?
With Jill whispering in his ear “You could have sent Trump down to defeat
And revenge for the coup will be really, really sweet”
To address the nation that Trump’s personality he abhorred
But most of his policies he backed and Harris’ unfitness for the Oval Office voters should no longer ignore
Sadly to even insure the nation’s survival, probably a pipe dream
But miracles do happen and Biden might well enjoy Harris being creamed

© 10/10/2024 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Milton Downgraded From CAT 5 To CAT 3 Before Making Landfall at Siesta Key Is Causing Massive Power Losses and Destruction and Multiple Deaths


Milton seemed like such a wimpy name for a CAT 5 Hurricane reduced to CAT 3 just before making landfall at Siesta Key
Knocking out power to 2 million, bringing 17 tornados, ripping off part of a MLB stadium roof, multiple deaths, storm surge flooding and devastation which on daybreak officials will see
De Santis should receive an A+ for his preparation in positioning personnel and equipment
To fight the destructive wrath mother nation to Florida has sent
Biden learned his lesson so unlike Helene he was relaxing on the beach while in Florida through Tennessee died
For Milton he staying in Washington trying to assure victims that on FEMA they could rely
While Harris true to form fled the scene to embrace the campaigning norm
Victims of Helene assuming they can get to the polls will shed any support for her due to FEMA’s delayed response to the storm
Trump has called FEMA’s response to Helene as the worst in history
Whether or not caused by $1.4 billion spent by FEMA on illegals diverted from disaster relief is a mystery
Or whether FEMA’s empty coffers it is due to poor management in overseeing the distribution of funds for prior disasters
Clearly the management skills to oversee FEMA is a skill this lying “The Border Is Secure” Majorkas has not mastered
If Biden wants to recover a modicum of respect and improvement for his legacy to restore
He will immediate fire Majorkas and show him the exit at the front door

© 10/9/2024 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet

Kansas Professor Put on Administrative Leave After He Indicated That If They Wouldn't Vote For a Female Candidate Because Not Smart They Should Be Lined Up Against a Wall and Shot


Colleges and Universities were once praised for promoting free speech and the exchange of opposing thoughts
Rightfully believing that without the exchange of ideas the knowledge seeds will not germinate and the  seeds will rot
But now the new icons are the need to expand woke and require only speech which is politically correct
So education becomes mere propaganda to support a majority view which we must reject
Woke and political correctness is no longer for opposing students an option to debate
Anyone who questions the woke and Politically correct line is at best subject to berate
And at worse punishment often violent against the student or professor who refuses to the academic party line adhere
No wonder for thinking students and professors the campus has become a place to for life, limb and career loss to fear
In an example which is probably replicated on college campuses each and every day
At the University of Kansas a professor hectored to his class that men who won’t for female candidates vote because they believe they are not smart enough
Should be lined up against the wall and shot if into the trash cans those views they cannot stuff
The professor has been placed on administrative leave with pay
When even if tenured he should be fired on the utterance’s same day
And when students violently prevent conservative speakers from coming to speak
They should be identified, incur a hearing to determine the students acts occurred and if yes dismissed to another college seek

© 10/9/2024 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet

The Wall Street Journal Slams Morning Joe Which as a DNC Lackey Reeks Of Misinformation For Lecturing Fox of "Misinformation "


There is only one thing positive one can say about the leftist radical “Morning Joe”
Is that on the West Coast they are off the air so we don’t endure their biased rants trying to us snow
As a former Red House member who was conservative to his utmost inner core
Who voted to impeach Clinton and was conservative on economic, social and foreign policy but the siren call of environment and human rights issues he could not ignore
Resigned after being elected to 4th term to spend more time with his kids
After 3 years as an environmental lawyer went to MSNBC and surrounded by leftists his conservative stances he began to rid
Quickly learned to despise Trump demanding the Reds
Should come to their senses and from the party shed
Rather than suffer the RINO label with his journalistic reporting he had acquired
In 2017 he registered as an Independent and from the Reds retired
He has shed any vestige of former conservative views and become a pro Blue journalist lackey hack
With his sidekick now wife Mika waging on Reds a 24/7 biased attack
Truth and objectivity have vanished in the Mostly Slanted Narcistic Biased Cack
Prompting the WSJ to slam Scarborough for lecturing Fox spreading “misinformation"
Which disagrees with MSNBC’s distortion and censorship of objective facts deserving condemnation
How this did this once conservative to a rabid leftist flip?
His reptilian brain must have fallen under Mika’s grip
Two peas in a pod
With views totally flawed
With spouse Mika
As as unwelcome as a mosquito carry Zika

© 1/9/2024 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet

Watching Harris Not Tethered to a Teleprompter Is Making Voters Cringe Even Her MSM Lackeys Are Begining to Doubt Whether As CIC She IS Fits gr to


As Harris is being dragged against her will to advance her positions
And attempt to justify her rebranding policies composition
Even among her MSM lackey supporters the wheels of the campaign bus has to be coming off
Her cackles, tethered to a teleprompter, answering any question with a non-responsive scripted reply
More and more voters piercing through the hologram and word salads are going to voting for her going to deny
She more than any candidate proves the Peter Principle was correct
The idea of preparation and doing the job right she rejects
When it came to the open border she was MIA
When it came to disaster recovery meetings on Helene she stayed away
On approaching Milton Biden is trying to oversee FEMA response while she will not her campaigning delay
Worse on De Santis’ stellar preparations and responses on Helene and now Milton the urge to politicize she can’t allay
If she runs out the clock on refusing press conferences and gets elected to this nation’s dismay
We will be forced to endure 4 years of Biden-Harris crippling policies on steroids to display
And this once great prosperous and respected nation may never again as the leader of the free world in that role stay

© 10/9/2024 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet

Trump to Hold Ralley in Madison Square Garden Which Should Cause Down Ballot Reds To Cheer and Down Ballot Blues To Shiver In Fear


For Trump to hold rally in Deep Blue States at first glance
Would not result in his after Election Day holding a victory dance
Flipping the Banana Republics of California and New York
Are very long odds and so unlikely voting results would the champagne uncork
But both Banana Republics have dictatorial one party Blue majority rule
Well attended rallies will be helpful flipping Blue seat tools
California with Newsom and his super majority legislative Blues have made the ex Golden State to suffer
Tax increases, runaway spending and ballooning deficits without large numbers of Reds legislators to buffer
The reason why the Golden State has lost its luster and now is the state of Iron Pyrite
As businesses and residents, including high income earners, are to other states taking flight
Trump is smart enough to know that for him to MAGA promises fulfill
He will need more Reds in the House and Senate on the Hill
Madison Square Garden will be SRO packed
Even as the MSM will probably lie and tell us a sold out crowd he lacked
© 10/9/2024 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet

Milton Will Not Follow Helen's Path After Landfall But Will Head Into the Atlantic To Dissipate To a Tropical Depression Then Die


The bad news is that Hurricane Milton has risen to a CAT5 soon to near Tampa make landfall
With storm surges, devastating winds and rainfall triggered flooding that will the nation appall
We know De Santis has acted 24/7 to prepare Florida for perhaps one of the strongest hurricanes to hit this nation
But we hope FEMA has learned from its failures in Helene on how to better its preparation and response to avoid well merited condemnation
Harris has fled Washington to campaign so any attempt for her to assist will fail as she is once again MIA
Fortunately Biden trying to salvage so role as president however lame has canceled foreign trips and in Washington will stay
There are however two silver linings in this impending hurricane catastrophe
First and foremost is Milton tracing Helene’s path we will not see
As it after landing near Tampa will cross Florida near Orlando and head to the Atlantic weakening into a tropical storm
Instead of on land dumping massive rain causing flooding which is the norm
Will into the Atlantic as a tropical storm head
Then weakening to a tropical depression then its threat to shipping will be dead
The second is that Harris when it comes to disasters and not with a teleprompter to her  response support
Is revealed to be not suited for the CIC job and comes up way too short
She still may be able to still on the dime cackle
But totally incapable of being able to deadly issues tackle

©  10/8/2024 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Tampon Tim Wants To Abolish the Electoral College and Go To a National Majority Vote Rule For Presidents

 Tim Walz in addition to his proclivity for lying about his record

When it comes to preserving the Constitution he is not on board

We are a Republic of States united and held together by a Constitution

But whose powers Walz wants to subject to diminution

Scrap the Electoral College whose votes are determined by the number of Representatives plus 2
And whose votes determine the president and replace it with a national majority vote ceding presidential elections to 9 states with a population majority which we should rue
The difference between a Banana Republic with one party rule
And a true Republic where minorities are protected from becoming majority slave like fools
Is what enables democratic ideals and free speech to flourish
To protect against the rise of dictatorships where tyranny rules and freedom perishes
Walz as a former teach must be ignorant on the fact
That this nation would never have been formed and survived if protection of the states with small populations lacked
Maybe because he is the beneficiary of the true threat to democracy of the Blue coup
Potentially a heartbeat away from the Oval Office why the end of the Electoral College he wants to pursue

© 10/8/2024 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet

Biden Destroys Harris' Inane Attack on De Santis Politicizing Helene When He Was Prepared and FEMA Was Not


While Harris has been slamming Governor De Santis over Helene as being selfish and politicizing the disaster
Her credibility is next to zero and still dropping as she is the dodger of or refusal to answer questions master
While De Santis prepositioned personnel and equipment needed as Helene neared Tampa Bay
Harris after the hurricane peeved she had to leave shaking down her Golden State wealth donors was on the Helene briefings MIA

Her trip to one site where she touted the $750 chump change
Was a photo op down to the last second arranged
Surrounded by her handlers waiting until the cue to advance
Concealing her disdain for the rednecks who against Helene had not a chance
Biden although with a straight face, but seething over the Blue coup
That from his presidential campaign into the withdrawal trash heap threw
On De Santis’ communications with him and his efforts only praise
So much for Harris’ desperate claim of De Santis politicization of Helene she raised
In addition to refuting the Word Salad Queen’s De Santis lies and on her rebranding iron doused with ice water
When as more and more of her radical tapes exposed needing her branding iron to be much hotter
Her attempt to run not as incumbent vice president but a challenger was dealt a fatal blow
Biden proclaimed that Harris and he were joined at the hip which most Reds seemed to know
So Reds can continue to campaign against Harris’ record that was a Biden policy clone
And destroy her rebranding as a moderate while remaining a radical for over 45 months which was and will be her desired home

© 10/8/2024 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet

Mayor Johnson Elected By the Teachers' Union Wants To Transform Public Education (Pour More Money Into Failing Schools)


Blue Mayor Johnson of Chicago a near clone of disgraced and defeated Lori Lightfoot (aka Lightweight)
True to his roots as a Teachers’ union organizer has vowed to transform public education and can no longer wait
Not sure what his transformation plans are but clearly he intends to not listen to any debate
Demeans any who criticizes his transformation plans are like those opposing the liberation of slaves in the Confederacy states
Facing a $10 billion deficit while large majorities have math and reading scores that are below grade
Yet the average teacher’s salary now stands at $93,182 from 2012 a 46% increase while increases in math and reading scores only fade
And the teachers’ union that put Johnson in office wants a contract to increase average salaries to almost $195,000 per year in 2028
With no linkage of scores improvement to pay only set increases to teachers demands for more money to sate
While the teachers unions fight tooth and nail to halt the spread of charter schools and school choice
Parents quickly find that when it comes to voicing their opinions they have no one listening to their voices
Pouring more money into Chicago schools thinking it will education enhance
Is like pouring gasoline on a fire thinking you can put it out with a fervent rain dance
Johnson is right in linking job success and lowering crime to improved education
Which Chicago will never achieve unless salaries and job security are linked to test scores improvement not DEI and inflation

© 10/8/2024 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet

Monday, October 7, 2024

Blame Game on FEMA's Helene Steaming Ahead as Milton Soon To Be CAT5 Heads For Tampa To Ape Helene's Path


FEMA pursuing DEI as its first and foremost goal
Oblivious to the need for funds when CAT3+ Hurricanes inflict their deadly toll
Out of money other than a mere $750 per person who have lost loved ones when the flooding waters
With far too many left with only photo memories and the clothes on their back
230 dead and many still missing who probably suffered the same drowning fate
The blame game is in full swing with FEMA claiming they are on the ground short and have not been late
And residents claiming that seeing a FEMA official is really rare as they seem not to exist
With another hurricane in the Gulf growing and soon to be a CAT5 following in Helene’s path to destroy what Helene missed
As a CAT5, Milton could be the knockout blow of a one two punch
If FEMA does not move quickly to improve its response very much
The finger of blame will point directly at Harris for campaigning and being MIA
In her main job trying to protect Americans when disasters come their way
She should transfer the $157 million she wants to give to Lebanon
To FEMA to help residents facing a soon to be a Milton CAT5 Milton moving to Tampa head on
Send the request to Congress to see their appetite
To send money to Lebanon when Americans are suffering such a financial plight
Blues will try to on funding to Lebanon versus FEMA split hairs
But the only acts voters at the polls will remember was Americans are not first and needed money, personnel and equipment for the second time was not there

© 10/9/2024 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet

Saturday, October 5, 2024

Residents Feel Statistics Notwithstanding Violent Crime Is Increasing Not Decreasing


Another glaring example why despite what statistics are released to support a claim that violent crime is decreasing
Far too many citizens feel the only thing decreasing is their safety and crime is really increasing
A blind Blue ex-Governor of New York and his son were walking their dog on a Manhattan street
When a scene of 5 teens climbing an exterior fire escape did they meet
Yelled at the teens to stop then started to walk away
Then were then violently assaulted to their dismay
When the Blue elite in Blue run cities are victims of violent crime
The outrage against defunding the police and Soros funded D.A.’s who avoid seeking longer prison time
And the MSM starts reporting the crime surge on the front pages not the back
And liberals are flocking to buy guns to protect themselves and family from attack
And sanctuary cities for criminal illegals are magnets to them attract
Due to a rising tidal wave of anger and fear the voters will Blue leaders sack
Sadly the amount of killings, rape, robberies and assaults have made us numb
Causing us to not realize the Blue policies on crime are really very dumb

© 10/5/2024 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet


Biden Appeared in Press Briefing Room For 1st Time in His Term To Proclaim He and Harris Were Joined at the Hip


Katrina Harris from the day Biden was forced out by the Blue elite coup
Has 24/7 rebranding herself so her actions as radical are no longer construed
Passing herself off not as an incumbent
But a challenger to President Trump who to the Oval Office wants to be sent
Explains why even with a sycophant MSM press conferences she has refused
Knowing that questions on  the plethora of tapes touting her radical views
Will mean a plunge from the tightrope walked separating Biden from her
Will mean failing to rebrand her radical past to a loss insure
Biden’s appearance on The View fortified by cognitive enhancing drugs proclaimed
That he would win against Trump, “he’s a loser”, sending back to Mir-A-Lago in flames
Revealed beneath the Harris supporting surface he was looking for a pay back
Pouring cooling water on her rebranding irons to her efforts attack
While Harris was at a Michigan rally with her teleprompter link
Biden for the first time in his term in the press briefing room was telling reporters what he thinks
Touted that Harris was an integral member of his team playing a crucial role
Without her his administration would have failed in pushing its goals
Gave Reds further ammo for their charge that Harris and Biden were joined at the hip
With her rebranding efforts shattered look to her standing in the polls rapidly slip
Lesson learned that a winner of all the primaries with 14 million votes from the race you force him to resign
Then toss him into the trash keeping him off the campaign his revenge before the election will be only a matter of time

© 10/5/2024 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet

Friday, October 4, 2024

October Surprise? As Second Gentleman Charged Daily Mail Reporter of Hitting an Ex-girlfriend at 2022 Cannes Film Festival


Politicians love early voting because it is a shield against the “October Surprise”
Where out of woodwork comes a damaging revelation against a candidate leading to an election demise
For on early voting the ballots do not with Mulligans come
The vote after the “October Surprise” cannot be changed to affect the outcome
Daily Mail reporter Josh Boswell citing three unnamed sources revealed
That Second Gentleman Doug Emhoff slapped an ex-girlfriend at a 2012 Cannes Film Festival that from the public he has concealed
The victim is a New York City attorney identified by Boswell as “Jane”
In the world of the “Me Too” movement wonder if containment is possible by the campaign
Or unlike Kavanaugh who decades only allegations Hell he and his family had to incur
Since Emhoff is an elite Blue from the likes of Hirono any investigation she would deter
If the slapping victim shed her anonymity due to Emhoff’s claimed persona of a defender of women which slapping if proven shows he is naught
And testified to the slapping event a great chance it would destroy her chances for the Oval Office she has sought
Emhoff already has one strike, impregnating the family’s nanny who also taught Emhoff’s kids
The nanny delivered a daughter which she did not keep and Emhoff’s marriage into divorce quickly slid
Voters may forgive Emhoff’s Reptilian brain
But hitting a woman could flush Harris’ campaign down the drain

© 10/4/2024 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet

Out of Touch Biden Responds To the Press That Helene Victims Are Getting All the Need and Are Across the board Happy


FEMA is on the receiving end of a lot Helene victims anger and flack
On what appears to be a complete preparation total lack
Fox has been talking to first responders and good Sam’s on the ground
All of whom are complaining about a lack of leadership and FEMA personnel are rarely to be found
Whistleblowers are relating stories of FEMA first responders waiting for orders to deploy
Sitting in hotel rooms while flood waters continue to homes destroy
While Governor De Santis had personnel and equipment prepositioned ready to roll
FEMA had its head in the sand trying to understand how to meet its equity goals
Elon Musk who brought Starlink receivers to communications via satellite restore
Is claiming FEMA is on shipments to the affected areas closing the door
A 1000 troops, a mere insufficient drop in the bucket, have been mobilized to FEMA assist
But two airborne divisions are stationed in North Carolina whose large numbers in the fight against the flood waters Biden has chosen not to enlist
In a first for his term he spoke then took questions from the press
Who in terms of Helene and Iran hard ball questions were suppressed
As he was leaving a shouted question asking him if victims were getting all the help needed to their homes and well-being be restored
His delusional out of touch response was They're getting everything they need. They’re very happy, across the board”
Total lie but from a severely cognitive impaired mind only lies can you expect
That any grip on reality Biden has no choice but to reject

© 10/4/2024 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet



Wanting Not to Be Remembered Only Lying Border Was Secure, Mayorkas Lied FEMA Was Ready While Harris Raided FEMA $1.4B While Supporting Idea FEMA Aid Should Be Based on Equity


Mayorkas not wanting to be known as a one liar pony
After misleading Americans that the border was secure in a lie the height of being phony
Was honing his lie game earlier in the year
That when hurricane season started we had nothing to fear
Since under his leadership FEMA had prepositioned emergency equipment when hurricanes came near
Helene exposed the massive lie as nothing had been prepositioned or else they had disappeared
Millions loss power, thousands of homes damaged or destroyed and over 200 dead
With hundreds missing the reports of more deaths surely lie ahead
Despite days of warning, devastation was massive and beyond belief
But almost totally absent is FEMA personnel and equipment needed for relief
And Harris with her new “Katrina Kamala” label took 6 days before she could away from her liberal California donors be pried
To touch down for photo ops on a flood ravaged site and see the damage with her own eyes
And to tell victims who had lost almost everything FEMA would give them a paltry $750 bucks
Given her past tapes indicating FEMA relief should be driven by “equity” Red voters were out of luck
Worse we have learned that Harris had transferred $1.4 B to illegals for housing, clothing, food and medical care including surgery to their gender reaffirm
If she is elected since her rebranding has not been debunked needs of citizens will be last and illegals first is the devastating message we will learn
© 10/4/2024 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet


Thursday, October 3, 2024

Harris Deceiving Voters with Rebranding That Will Revert Back to Her Radical Past on Election Day


In the West when a ranch wanted to its cattle rebrand
A cowboy grabbed a red hot iron with his gloved hand
Then applied to sear the skin with a lasting scar
So if cattle rustlers stole it and tried it to sell would be barred
Harris from the day the elite Blue coup forced Biden from the campaign to fade away
Has worked 24/7 to try with her rebranding as no longer a radical to the voters sway
But unlike the cowboy her rebranding iron is not hot but cool
Designed to the voters completely fool
Coated with “moderate and conservative” chalk
So she can deliver the moderate and conservative walk
Concealing as a committed radical those values she mocks
And why as the flood of past radical tapes are released voters her will balk
The rebranding chalk will quickly be blown away
And will not have even any vestiges of it on Election Day
The rebranding will fail because there are too many leftist tapes
That from her radical past she will not be able to escape
Hiding from the press and instructing Tampon Tim to the same
No experience in fielding questions as opposed to scripted talk points so in his debate he went down in flames
More and more Americans are realizing her honesty and integrity are total lacking
Why she slammed Reds for an tape showing her in 2020 campaign wanting to ban fracking
Claims she will not support a fracking ban
When if elected she would issue executive orders making it almost impossible to frack in this land

©  10/3/2024 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Yelp Review of Newport Beach Mutt Lynch's-2 for 1 Medium Pizza Sale Monday; Jessica Our Server; Pterodactyl Wings and Anchovies


If you like to dine and enjoy people watching or the sunset
Mutt Lynch’s in Newport Beach at 2300 Oceanfront is a winning bet
If you like pizza on Monday the ante is doubled and it is the best yet
For if concerned about finances no need to fret
Buy one medium size pizza and get one free
Order the Max with all manner of toppings and anchovies also you can see
Priced at only 23 reduced to 21 during happy hour
Or be your own chef with 29 toppings to you empower
A Monday-Friday happy hour that reduced food and libation prices to the patron bring
And a chicken dish that blows out of the water any restaurant selling wings
Where you get only a mixed bag of drumettes and flats or wingettes
All of which look like they came from a pygmy or dwarf chicken
That was so small at a county fair it would win no blue ribbons
And for the third part the wing tip, it never made the butcher’s cart 
At Mutt Lynch’s they are called Pterodactyl Wings and you get all 3 parts
Our server, Jessica, with a smile that would bring traffic or pedestrians to an admiring halt
Her service and attitude was clearly free from any and all faults
Other restaurants may learn to copy Mutt Lynch and its Pterodactyl  wings
But replicating Jessica’s qualities as a server will be more difficult to its patrons to bring
© 10/2/2024 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet



Politicians Lie Like Rugs But No Matter How Slick Body Language Detects Showing Walz Lied and a Calm and Authentic Vance Did Not


Politicians often lie like rugs since they believe they can escape detection
Especially during well-rehearsed and scripted ads that kill any chance of voter rejection
But if while speaking a politician’s body language voters are able to see
They need to beware as their body language reveals lies are no longer detection free
Carole Lieberman, a body language expert, on Vance’ and Walz’s body language weighed in
To cut through the normal political advocacy pundit’s post-debate spin
Vance was “authentic”, showed calmness and stability and on the issues portrayed he was in command
Walz was nervous and fidgety and too often looking down telltale signs of dishonesty and questioned about his lie on Tiananmen Square he danced around before admitting the lie for which by viewers he was panned
Vance with less than 2 years as a politician in the Senate came across as a seasoned pro
Whereas Walz with 8 years in Congress and 7 years as Minnesota Governor seemed unsure of himself not knowing where to go
Not sure how many votes if any were switched but Reds now know Vance was the right choice
And Blues must deeply regret that instead of Walz on the debate stage they would have heard Governor Shapiro’s voice

© 10/2/2024 Michael Politicians P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet


3 Against 1 But Despite CBS Bias to the Max Vance Drubbed Walz in the Debate Last Night


If Reds thought that CBS would depart from CNN's abject and blatant bias shown in the Trump Harris debate, those thought were quickly bashed
CBS in politics best known for Contemptible Biased Slants failed the no bias test as the Bobbsey Twins, Brennan and O’Donnell, of Bias’ debate objectivity rule quickly crashed
Started to “fact check” Vance only to have him shove their no fact rule down their throats
They did not learn and soon cut off his mic proving the chances of their objectivity was remote
Walz was able to spout especially on abortion and Project 2025 a litany of lies
Which hopefully given Vance’s remarks viewers would not rely
Walz only shining moment was his admission on his lie on visiting China during Tiananmen Square
Calling himself a “knucklehead” because he lied that he was there
Vance continued to point out that Harris had over 3½ to do the things on the border she promised she will on election now do
So her credibility on those “promises” is less than zero and totally through
A modicum of civility and call for unity by both debaters that was a welcome sight
But unless you were a viewer blinded and deafened by TDS Stage 4, Vance trounced Walz on debate night
And “Contemptible Biased Silencing” won no prizes
As it was clearly guilty of debate objectivity’s demise

© 10/2/2024 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet

CNN's Biased Amanpour Inanely Claims Iran Had No Choice Other Than Launching 200 rockets Against Israel After IDF Killed Hassan NasrallahIstthat noain


Clearly Narcistic News Chief International Editor Christiane Amanpour was ranting to that CNN icon of “objectivity” Dana Bash
That Iran does not want to escalate the hostilities against Israel as most of the 200 missiles launched against Israel after hit by Iron Dome or the U.S. Navy crashed
She inanely claimed Iran following the IDF's killing of  Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah  had no choice but to strike back
With another failed rocket barrage attack
Falsely claiming that the Iranian failed strike will not an Israeli armed response provoke
Proved once again her observations are not astute but rather inane jokes
Totally delusional biased thoughts
So typical of CNN’s mental rot
Netanyahu could not have made it more crystal clear
The days in the past of Jews peacefully walking to the showers are no longer here
Iran has made the wrong choice and even if it failed to Jews kill
The IDF’s response when it comes Iranian, preferably leaders, it will
The Muslim world desperately needs more leaders like Sadat
Who can finally come to accept Israel’s existence and prosperity is a fact
And look for ways to end the drumbeats urging war
And through trade and investment strive for both Jewish and Muslim communities’ prosperity to soar

© 10/2/2024 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet


Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Iron Dome and U.S. Navy shot down almost all of the some 200 missiles Iran launched into Israel How Will Israel Retaliate?


Defense against rockets has come a long way since the V-2’s into London hit
With total impunity and could not by the RAF be shot down like the V-1’s the RAF was forced to admit
Yesterday Iran launched almost 200 missiles into Israel in revenge for Israeli killings with exploding cell phones
Hoping to bring death and destruction as they were speeding through the Iron Dome killing zone
Only to find to their dismay almost all shot down by the Iron Dome and 2 U.S. Navy destroyers in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea
With the mullahs now shaking wondering what death and destruction in retaliation from Israel will they soon see
A prime target should be Iran’s nuclear weapon fabrication facilities
Assuming the Israelis have the destruction capabilities
If not any targets involved in the production and distribution of oil should be at the top of the list
If they know where Iran’s Supreme Leader lives a strike against him would be hard to resist
If Iran continues to escalate the game of chicken tit for tat
They face the real probability of major cities being leveled flat
Time for the Iranians to cease financing terrorist cells
Or they may face an unwelcome trip not to Paradise but to Hell

© 10/1/2024 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet

Wyoming becomes the third women's Volleybakll team after Boise State and Utah to forfeit rather than play San Jose with a male transgender spiking the ball at 80 m.p.h.


Sadly, San Jose State’s Women’s Volleyball Team has found how to win the easy way
Have a male transgender spiker who spikes at 80 m.p.h. on the team and the opponents will refuse to play
Rather than risk injury playing against a stacked biologic deck
Wyoming and Utah have joined Boise State to playing against male transgenders reject
Officials after warning the team they had to play or the game forfeit
Americans especially parents with daughter are outraged that from this nonsense the NCAA will not quit
How many broken noses, orbit bones or teeth have to occur before the NCAA
Has to admit because of dangers to women male transgenders against them cannot play
And why after seeing 3 teams forfeit rather than play, the female Spartan some integrity will not show?
Like their opponents as long as a male transgender is on the floor, on the same floor to play they will not go
The House despite near unanimous Blue opposition has passed a bill to restrict male transgenders from participating in women’s sports
Sent to the Senate where Schumer to protect Blues from voters’ wrath will attempts to vote on the measure abort

© 10/1/2024 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet

Pete Rose aka "Charlie Hussle" banned from MLB For Gambling Including on the Reds He Managed Dead at 83


Pete Rose aka “Charlie Hustle” the all-time MLB base hits leader by far who gave pitchers the fitsAt 83 finally faced a pitcher whose overpowering pitches try as he might could not come close to being able to hit
A “Closer” by the Angels head manager was summoned to the mound
With a repertoire of pitches like hypertensive, atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease and diabetes mellitus only strikeouts hitters found
A player who played with only one speed
The call of all out energy he would heed
An addictive personality gambling was his siren song
When he became manager of the Reds he continued to gamble on games though he must have known it was wrong
Crossed the line when he gambled on the Reds to win but not to lose
Finally forced to after years of denial an admission of gambling chose
Banned from baseball but received the lifeline to petition for reinstatement
Which he tried again and again but always into the rejection trash the petitions went
Rose’s legacy as a head first slide statue as his trademark
Can been seen at the front of the Great American Ball Park
Had he only in Gambling Anonymous enrolled
To curb the gambling addiction that took its toll
He would be today in MLB’s Hall of Fame
Instead of having his illustrious career declaimed
© 10/1/2024 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet

Rose head first slide at Great American Ball Park


Latino Support for Harris Is At All Time Low The Chickens of blues Taking Latino's For Granted Are Coming Home To Roost


MSNBC guest Maria Hinojosa when asked about among Latino voters growing Trump support
“Latinos want to be white” was her not blaming Harris’ policies retort
Latinos don’t want to be white but like whites and all colors their wants are the same
They want to be safe from crime, to be able to put food on the table, to see their savings and pension not go up in inflation flames
To send their kids to schools not dominated by teachers’ unions dooming them to in the job market fail
Like blacks want ruling politicians in urban areas mostly Blues to not just want their votes then take them for granted and their needs eschew
No financially struggling voter should ever support a candidate living in a luxurious manner
Being seen only at election time promising all but delivering nothing waving a “vote for me” bannerHarris leads Trump 54% to 40% among Latino voters an all-time lowWithout a higher percentage of Latino support, Harris will be packing her salad dressing as to the oval office she will not go

© 10/1/2024 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet

SNL comedy RIP Replace By Sick Narcistic Loathing TDS Stage 4 Political Pro Harris Political Advocacy


Saturday Night Live was once the epitome of comedy
With the likes of Akroyd, Belushi, Chase, Curtin, Murray, Radner et al it was the weekly show you had to see
You could not help yourself but to enjoy the staff
As they made yoo continuously laugh
As the comedians practice their craft
But now the laughter has been skewered by its advocacy shaft
SNL now is the acronym for Sick Narcistic Loathing
As the corpse of comedy lies in a casket decomposing
The once excellent for superb comedy skits
Have slid into not funny anti-Trump hits
The lack of comedy replaced by TDS Stage 4 rants
Reached its nadir thinking it would Harris’ election chances enhance
Mocking the Butler, PA assassination attempt that grazed Trump, wounded two and killed one
Before a Secret Service sniper killed the shooter with a head shot from his gun
One of the most outrageous sickest sketches
That should make viewers rush to change channels forever before they retch

© 10/1/2024 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet

90% of Success Is Showing Up--Biden and Harris on Helene and ILA STrike Are MIA While Trump On Scene Showing His Empathy and Concernyth eb


Just as there were increasing signs of hope that a recession the U.S. would escape
Longshoremen have just gone on strike which will soon lead to food shortages on our plate
As goods shipped to us by ship can no longer be unloaded shelves will become bare
And prices will sharply rise as the inflation beast near sleeping comes roaring out of its lair
Perishable goods will waiting to be unloaded will start to rot
And our harbors will look like the rush hour traffic turning the 405 into a parking lot
Already estimates are coming in saying that the strike will reduce the economy by upwards of 3 billion dollars away
Yet in trying to prevent the strike or cope with it Biden, Commerce Secretary Raimondo and DOT Secretary Mayor Pete are MIA
Biden because he is the most pro union president in history and does not want that distinction to be blemished
And Raimondo is probably preoccupied with prayers that next Trump assassin will not fail and he will perish
And Buttigieg is still traumatized for failing to deal with cargo ships’ turning the waters off L.A./Long Beach into a congested berthing lot
This strike may not be solved by higher wages as the ILA has become the new Luddites and bans on automation for unloading are being sought
Once again like a response to Helene, Biden has been on his Delaware Beach
And Harris is in California with her elite wealthy donors for more money to beseech
While Trump after visiting some of Helene’s killing devastation
Is exposing the ILA to his condemnation

© 10/1/2024 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet