Monday, November 19, 2018

Resist Troika Files Suit to Block Whitaker Appointment

The Resist troika of Hirono, Whitehouse and Blumenthal
Two of whom’s behavior on Kavanaugh the nation was appalled
Have filed a lawsuit to Trump’s appointment of Whitaker block
Their biased attempt to resist and keep Mueller in spotlight should come as no shock
The DOJ had issued a lengthy opinion that the temporary appointment was okay
Not the fiery statements of the troika with anti-Trump animus on display
160 times in our history a president has appointed as temporary officials to offices requiring consent
Such appointments have been made by both Republican and Democratic presidents
For the troika this has nothing to do with the Constitution only to stoke the flames of fear
That Whitaker will order the delusional Russian probe witch-hunt to disappear
Millions upon millions spent by Mueller with no oversight by Rosenstein
A total waste of time in search of a nonexistent crime
The only collusion that Mueller should be investigating is that of the DNC and HRC campaign
The false dossier leading to the insurance policy of Mueller as special counsel without any reins
The Troika shows that any ideas of compromise in the Swamp are only talk
The evils of bias and partisanship grid lock the halls of Congress still stalk
© November 19, 2018 Michael P. Ridley

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