Two fires known
as the Mendocino Complex fire
Have set the
new record with over 283,000 acres on fire
While Brown
and Trump casting dueling blames
As the
largest number of acres go up in flames
Brown goes
political and plays the climate change card
Trump tweets
lack of water available because of fish diversion so fire growth not barred
Lost in the
rhetoric of who is right and who is wrong
Is the
simple fact dead trees in a forest do not belong
Remove the
fuel and a fire starves and goes out
State and
feds not culling trees in fear of litigation rout
groups with litigation hair triggers to sue against the culling axe
Coupled with
warm weather and forest fires are burning to the max
We may or may
not be able to affect climate change in the short or even long term
How to act
to prevent forest fires from continuing to increase the size of the area
Start immediately
to cull dead or damaged trees without the lawsuit threat
Pray for
rain to the firefighters’ attempts to abet
© August 6, 2018 Michael P. Ridley
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