Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Conversation Between Judge Mechan And His Daughter Loren Heard By a Fly on the Wall Near His Speaker Phone


Oh to be a fly on the wall or near Judge Merchan’s speaker phone
Loren Merchan calling the judge at home:
“Hi dad, hope you stuck it to a raging Trump today”
“Hey Loren, was fair and objective and ordered him only $9,000 to pay
Not the $11,000 D.A. Bragg wanted for failure to my gag order obey”
“Dad this trial for contributions to Blues is like opening a flood gate
Increasing to $90 million and showing no signs it will abate”
“Great news but the fines are only a pin prick not a dent
But a warning that if he continues off to jail I will have him sent”
“Dad you have already caused him to miss his wife’s birthday
Don’t relent on Baron’s graduation, make him in the courtroom stay
He’s a loose cannon and will unleash another breach of your gag order attack
A jail sentence and more campaign contributions my clients will not lack
And your daughter will be raking in the bonus dough
Justify the gag order and confinement needed to preserve a fair trial
Let him choke on his own bile”
“Loren if we keep him in the courtroom the senile old fool Biden has a chance to win
And your father will be looking for a District Court Judge’s chair to hear cases in.”
“Thanks Dad have a good day but I have to go
Several events planned to raise for Blues more campaign dough”
Sadly there are no such flies near the phone
But if anyone believes Judge Merchan not swayed by Loren that person so believes alone

© 4/30/2024 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet


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