Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Fromage Always Wins

We have been overwhelmed by talk of the American Dream at both conventions as each speaker tries as each speaker seeks to portray themselves as totally destitute with parents and grandparents trudging though the snows of poverty so their children or grandchildren could have a better life. Like piranha trying to devour a cow in the Amazon River, both parties seek to portray themselves as the defender of the American Dream. Today at lunch I meet an example of the American Dream in action, a young white woman native born, working full time and going to school at night to get her
degree. The title of this post is a code for her name. She represents exactly what this country is all about.  I can only wish her well and hope when 2-3 years from now she graduates that a job will be waiting for her.
The convention halls have been full of rhetoric and hot air
Stories of humble beginnings each speaker wishes to share
So refreshing to talk not about a parent but a a young woman in search
Of a degree that will enable her to climb to a higher perch
Eating lunch with text book at her side
Determination to force opportunity open wide
Who ever believes in this Golden State that we only go to the beach
You should look at this young woman and the level she is trying to reach
The hurdles are not money or lack of drive
But the regulations and taxes waiting when she arrives
The Dream can be the thinnest of candles in an Elton John song
Or in this case cables of steel really thick and quite strong
Fromage allons, allons, le jour de gloire est arrive
Soon the tassle will be moved on a graduation day
Michael P. Ridley aka the Alaskanpoet (c) September 5, 2012