Friday, January 17, 2025

Harris vows she is no going quietly in the night as 2028 presidential donors are noisy thundering herd fleeing from sight Hntwse



After the Word Salad Queen did the “Kilroy Was Here” tradition on one of her desk drawers
Pundits were speculating on the campaign trail for a political office would we see her once more
Amid the surprised chants of “MVP” from her staff
Who was turned over by her like wheat’s chaff
Cowering from oft reported Harris wrath
Would she be aping Richard Nixon’s 1962 path?
To run for governor of the Golden State in 2026
Since term limits for hyper gelled Newsom had another run nixed
She announced to the cheers in her office room
That the idea of her “going quietly into the night” was doomed
But if voters were able to be flies on her 2024 donors’ wall
The would hear he sounds of wallets and purses being closed by those who wasted hundreds of millions this fall
Not sure what Reds today in the Golden State
Would be able to her chances of winning abate
Maybe if as a Newsom clone and his failings in the So Cal wildfires
She was conflated and another Blue leftist voters would tire
Reds might have to rely on her failed record as VP
Her Word Salad answers in answering questions proclivity
And her habit of cackling like the Wicked Witch of the West
Creating in voters’ minds the insanity of voting to in her the Governor’s Office Vest
But if she ran and failed in achieving her Governor’s Office ambition
Like Nixon lashing out at the press not being able to kick him around anymore, her run would be worth the price of admission

© 1/17/2025 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet

Thursday, January 16, 2025

Hirono on Her Don Quixote Quest to Find Sexual Harassment and Abuse in Red Nominees


The one trick pony Blues saddle up to run against Reds is abortion
And when it comes to the actual position a Red on the issue are quick to use distortion
Mazie Hirono who sits on the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee
Was questioning Dour Burgum, Trump’s Secretary of the Interior Nominee
Her first questions out of the box was whether as an adult he had ever committed sexual harassment or assault or asked for sexual favors
To which he answered no though probably seething over the question’s flavor
Followed by asking whether for such conduct he was disciplined or entered into a settlement
Quickly from his lips the same negative answer went
Hirono must believe that all Reds are sexual perverts
And any positive answer no matter how long ago in the past from the nominated office Senators must the person divert
Regardless of a man’s qualifications, records, or expertise
He is wrapped in a scarlet “SA” is removed from consideration and asked to leave
Blinders for her eyes and a totally closed mind
To any idea people can change for the better she is blind

© 1/15/2025 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet

Newsom, Bass and Their Climate Change Warriors Trying to Avoid Blame Due to Climate Change


As certain as the fact that the Sun in East rises and in the West sets
In any natural disaster the Green Warriors sound the alarm of Climate Change we must never forget
The SoCal wildfires probably to worst we have ever seen and were so hard with the winds to contain
Were not due to any governmental failures but our Mediterranean Climate that Climate Change
deprived of rain
Blame Climate Change that given the rest of the world’s especially India and China’s emission
Is impossible in the short term to put into any sense of remission
But humans in the fire displayed a lot of fault
Mayor Bass cut the LAFD budget by $17 million which hindered its ability to the fires assault
To prioritize the homeless and to insure the LAPD is ruled by DEI
Which as 25 bodies are proof positive  that it causes people to die
Governor Newsom or as he is known in hair salons as “Governor Gel Slick”
Lost his Teflon as blame for a needed reservoir in the Palisades off line for almost a year sticks
From the ashes of the Palisades and Altadena the litigation Phoenix will arise
SoCal for failing to deenergize and LADWP for failing to repair Santa Ynez will be seeing BK Chapter 11  and 9 to avoid demise

© 1/16/2025 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet

AG Nominee Pam Bondi Shreds Lying Schiff and Will End Politicization of the DOJ and Dumb Blonde Jokes


At the AG confirmation hearings before the Senate Judicial Committee
Viewers depending on their party were either pleased or outraged to see
That the AG nominee Pam Bondi is an intelligent breath of objective fresh air
So far removed from the stench of political bias from Merrick Garland to compare
New California Senator, Lying Schiff, only the 3rd House Member to be censured for lies,
Was questioning Bondi on blanket pardons of January 6 protestors that she would not look at the files and then Trump defy
Bondi cut him down to his pathetic lying size
Reminding all of his censure and suggesting he focus on California’s violent crime on the rise
Anyone watching would be pleased that jokes about dumb blondes will be coming to an end
This highly intelligent nominee promising to end politicization of the DOJ will to the trash heap such jokes send

© 1/15/2025 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet

Trump's "All Hell to Pay If Hostages Not Released by Inauguration" Tipped the Hamas Refusal Scales to Agree to Ceasefire and Hostage Release Deal/gio


It is often said, “Success has a 1000 fathers and failure is an orphan”
After Biden announced the Hamas Israeli Ceasefire deal he was asked if for it Trump deserved a credit  portion
As he stumbled off the stage Biden responded, “Was that a joke?”
With a possible ceasefire and hostage release his only foreign policy success to share he was quick to Trump’s involvement revoke
Either vindictive or also more likely could not remember an almost identical deal proposed in May
Hamas was very quick to respond with a very definitive nay
And clearly Biden must have missed
Or worse immediately dismissed
President-Elect Trump’s warning that if the hostages are not released by his Inauguration Day
In the Middle East and for Hamas “there will be Hell to pay”
And like a masterful negotiator what Hell would look like he would not say
Hamas like the mullahs of Iran not wanting to face Reagan wanted to hold Hell upon them at bay
So we have an agreement which may or may not be signed and even more problematic by Hamas be observed
As Netanyahu is already claiming Hamas cannot refrain from violating its provisions but a large part of the credit for its creation Trump still deserves
© 1/15/2025 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

AOC Ripped for Her Inane False Tirade Against the Protection of Women and Girls in Sports Act by Riley Gaines


A typical Texas rebuke is that someone is “all hat and no cattle”
A person of no action and only words of no substance that rattle
Clear describing one who would lose in any battles
In describing AOC after her  Protection of Women and Girls in Sports Act inane prattle
“Only a pretty face and a brain too lazy to read”
After her tirade against the Protection of Women and Girls in Sports Act that genital exams girl athletes would need
Riley Gaines on the other hand has a brain to go with her pretty face
And not a shred of being too lazy to read the words on the bill in place
AOC’s false claim of an exam requirement is a complete disgrace
All she has in speaking is ability to pause with the right hands’ gestures to compliment the expressions of her face
But any truth in the words that spew from her lips
Have long since before utterance been clipped
If she spoke German or was named Orwell
A perfect mimic for Goebbels or Animal Farm’s “All animals are equal but some are more equal” try to sell
Riley Gaines is becoming more and more like Horatio at the bridge preventing the barbaric leftists trying to cross
Dedicated after all the gains in women’s sports due to Title IX to prevent from transgenders in women’s sport their total loss

© 1/15/2025 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Reverse Racist on Mace Provoking a "Take It Outside by Mace


Jasmine Crockett is a reverse racist with a lying biased mouth that most of us would want to sock it
On a discussion of TG rights was conflating the race care that should remain in a referee’s pocket
Calling Mace a child for objecting ion TG’s competing in women’s sports
That prompted from Mace a “let’s take outside retort”
Racist Crockett should be castigated for her departure of acceptable House member behavior
And Mace though justified  deeded a more diplomatic response to Crockett’s racist remarks to show her disfavor
No one would want to see the equivalent of the beating path of Sumner by Brooks
But Crockett should be censured for inciting Mace to a Brooks path took

© 1/14/2025 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet