Thursday, October 24, 2024

Trump Courting the Jewish Vote Due to Biden's and Harris' Wishy Washy Aid Yet HRC Compares Trumps MSG Rally to 1939 Nazi ProtestBiden


As much I detest HRC’s policies and her dishonesty that helped tip the scales
That instead of being coronated her 2016 campaign against Trump failed
I feel for her empathy and pity
For a mind destroyed by failure to accept loss is never pretty
Her more and more extreme rants are destroying what meager credibility she once claimed to possess
To compare Trump’s foray into The NYC lion’s den to the Bund’s antisemitic rally against Jews fails to meet the smell test
Trump has been slamming Biden and Harris for demanding a cease fire to tie the IDF’s hands
To destroy Hamas wherever it exists before it achieves its stated goal of destroying all Jews in Biblical lands
He is reaching out to Jews for their votes
Which before October 7 would have on success been remote
How can a Trump who is making inroads of securing Jewish votes
Due to the wishy-washy arming Israel support and aid
Be accused of aping the !939 Bund rally with its virulent antisemitic tirades?
HRC has never accepted and perhaps never will that to Trump she lost
And the increasing strident anti Trump rants is evidence of the failure to accept loss cost
This latest outburst is another example of her fall from grace
Such that each biased rant brings her further disgrace
© 10/24/2024 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet

Behar and Goldberg Slam Voters For Still Being Undecided When The View Panelist Know They Should Be Voting For Harris


If you want to see the poster panel for what’s wrong with this nation
If you can stomach the bias from a panel that merits only damnation
Go to The View where any sense of objectivity has long since disappeared
With TDS Stage panelists like Behar and Goldberg like stuck records ranting a Trump presidency we must fear
Assuming the lofty positions that they and only they have the right and duty to instruct voters how to vote
Melting down when voters have the audacity to be undecided when their requirement should be favor Harris whom they promote
The leftist panelists on The View evidently are oblivious to the defections of the Blue voting slaves Latinos and blacks
Who the Blues believe the ability to make up their minds they clearly lack
Total polarization and demonization by Blues of those deemed too stupid to do what the leftist panelists think for them is best
The American Dream will fade away if our ad hominem polarization is not subject to arrest
Behar suffers from great anxiety that voters will make up their own minds
Since to the failures of Harris and Biden they are no longer blind
A Trump win will put the likes of Behar and Goldberg into a tailspin
But sadly not enough to correct their ratings free fall into the trash bin

© 10/24/2024 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet

Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Desperate Harris Sinking in Polls Embellishes Her "Middle Class Roots" by Claiming She Worked in McDonald's


Harris and Walz are trying so hard to remind voters they both come from the middle class
With a PhD father and mother for Harris hard for the claim to the smell test pass
Like Richards who ran for reelection against Bush while attacking him for his wealthy family roots
By landslide like proportions voters backed Bush and gave her from the Texas Governor’s Mansion the boot
Blues have attacked Trump due to his billionaire status oblivious to the needs of the middle class
Harris in her campaign against him to prove her standing in the middle class from her days in Montreal past
Touted that her first job was working a McDonald’s which sceptics found it hard to believe
So far no corroboration that working there she ever achieved
But so typical of Blues to embellish, obfuscate and deceived
Trump’s response was classic and did not involve thousands of dollars and time to determine the veracity of her claim
Instead he donned a McDonald’s apron and started cooking French fries so he could with a straight face proclaim
That he has worked longer at McDonald’s than she ever did
Melting down the pro Harris MSM supporters while Trump enjoyed seeing her poll numbers continue their downward skid
At least Harris on embellishments is not alone
Walz falsely claimed carrying an assault rifle in a nonexistence combat zone

© 10/23/2024 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet

Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Racist and Sexist Card Against Trump Used to Extreme and Now Ignored Only Bogus Democracy Threat To Try To Trump Gore


The Racist card against Trump is tattered, worn and abused
That voters sick of hearing a false stuck record believing it now refuse
The Misogyny card against Trump has been diluted as it leveled against non-Harris supporting blacks
Only one anti-Trump card left in the left’s deck to use in a Trump attack
Blues and their MSM lackeys with strident voices almost as one
Cry out that Trump is a threat to democracy who should not be able to run
The latest over the top rhetoric comes from a victim of a democracy threat
Not from Trump but his own party who his contributions to public service were so quick to forget
Biden who may have been delusional but insisted against Trump he would prevail
Was forced by a Blue elite cabal to withdraw from the campaign trail
Replacing him with a person who on her own has received not a single for president vote
Now calls out that Trump should be locked up
Before election as the process he will corrupt
As her rebranding effort is falling flat and unfitness revealed by hiding her chances of winning become more and more remote
Other than those blinded and deafened by TDS Stage 4
The rest of us want to move on to issues and threat to democracy rants ignore
Harris realizing her rebranding contradicted by too many radical exposé tapes
Has launched with the aid of her MSM lackeys an attack on Trump being gripped by dementia he cannot escape
While for years until the Biden Blue coup she concealed his impairment
No wonder voters believe on credibility out the window hers went

© 10/22/2024 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet

Harris in Deep Trouble As Key Supporting Blocs Defecting


Harris and Walz are getting hit by a one two punch blow
Already reeling from a right cross with a bending over beginning to show
An upper cut to the jaw turning the lights out
With the round ending bell in 14 days  looks like a TKO may end the bout
Harris and Walz against Trump and Vance are in a campaign not a boxing match in the ring
But what is happening to Harris’ support among key blocks the one two punch image brings
The loss of black males’ support of Harris has been in the headlines
Prompting a desperate Harris to draft Obama on the campaign trail to end black males’ support for Harris decline
A real wake up call for Blues who have viewed blacks as plantation voting slaves
Nothing but promises never kept and votes taken for granted from first vote to being placed in the grave
But the news today maybe worse
As Latinos are hitting Harris with the defection curse
Latest poll USA Today/Suffolk University shows Trump leading Harris 49 to 38% of Latinos likely to vote
Add to these major losses the Jewish vote outraged over the Blues wishy washy Israeli support and military aid
And the Muslim vote outraged by Dick Chaney’s daughter Liz campaigning with Harris in Michigan since Chaney is viewed as the major reason for the decision to Iraq invade
With a steady release of videos show her radical past and refusing press conferences the rebranding iron is cooled by a steady stream
Ending the rebranding con job and destroying her Vibe path to her White House dream

© 10/22/2024 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet

Time to End Political as a lifetime career choice; Marcy Kaptur Poster Child for Term Elections


When this nation was founded holding political office was not viewed as a career
Over time as the federal grew in size and budget the concept of a citizen politician started to disappear
Then mostly men who would serve several terms then go back the private sector to earn a living and with the family more time to spend
Now more and more officeholders once in office staying in office until beset with adverse health issues, criminal conduct or the final redistricting of death as the new trend
Being in office has become a ticket to amass great wealth which rarely diminishes when a defeated or retiring office holder becomes a lobbyist
With so much insider information on spending plans and the growing federal budget political office as a career is hard to resist
Money is the mother’s milk of politics and office holders became experts in raising cash
So a cash strapped challenger’s attempt to unseat too often will crash
With PAC money diluting the ability of citizens to influence legislation and executive orders
If this republic ever fails and reverts to autocratic rule
The tidal wave of campaign donations permitted by the Citizens’ United case will be viewed as the enabling tool
If we were able to cap political campaign expenditures the deck would be further stacked in favor to the incumbent
Far better would be to impose at the federal level term limits which would the power of incumbency severely bent
Marcy Kaptur a Blue who has served in the from Ohio for 41 years and is asking voters to her reelect
Her Red challenger in this district which went for Trump in 2016 and 2020 is claiming at 78 she has been there too long and so out of touch the voters should her reject
Term limits would end the tyranny of entrenched  incumbents which would be a good thing
While the power of the unelected bureaucrats of the Deep State would the unwanted remote tyranny of bureaucrats bring
© 10/22/2024 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet

Abrams and Obama Attacking Black Males For Not Supporting Harris Due To Sexism and Misogyny


Stacy Abrams, like HRC trying to make herself relevant, is back in the news once more
Ranting against voters who are not supporting Harris but because her target stripped of her racist card now much easier to ignore
Against blacks she can’t use the race card so forced to hurl the sexist misogyny card
Since she is unable to consider that Harris’ fitness to be CIC is by her record marred
Can’t accept the fact that Harris in order to get elected is rebranding by trying to many of her radical beliefs discard
Which given the amount of videos of her past support of such things as banning fracking or supporting sex change operations of inmates at taxpayer expense are proving to be too hard
Voters be they white or black or male or female are not too prone to support a candidate who to get
elected promises a massive flip flop
Despite 24/7 efforts by the MSM like in 2016 to promote HRC,  Harris’ chances to win continue to drop
At least Abrams is not alone as Obama has picked up the cry
It is because of sexism and misogyny why black males support for her deny
In 2 weeks Election Day will be upon us in what should be the most important election in our short history
Do we go back to prosperity, safety and secure border or stay the course to likely disaster too slippery

© 10/22/2024 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet