Monday, October 14, 2024

Momentum Against the Idiocy of Allowing Male Transgenders Right To Play Against Women's Teams Gains As 5th Team Joins Boycott


In women’s volley ball the Spartans of San Jose State have found the perfect shortcut to win games
Forget about practice, running sprints or spending time in the weight rooms there’s an easier way to put a “W” after the Spartan name
Recruit a male transgender who can at 80 m.p.h. spike the ball into a female blocker’s face
To leave black eyes, a broken nose, or broken orbital bone to a once attractive female deface
Playing San Jose State results in almost a sure thing
An opposing team will refuse to play to a forfeit win bring
Southern Utah, Boise State, Wyoming and Utah State women’s volley ball teams have refused to play San Jose State with its male transgender
Have now been joined by Nevada whose team members ignored their school and refused to play an unfair contender
If Title IX has any chance to survive, school administrators, female athletes and politicians must yell with one voice
Women forced to play against chicks with dicks is not an acceptable choice
Any Blue who disagrees and wants to allow male transgenders as women compete
The parents of daughters must rise up as one and send such clowns to defeat
© 10/14/2024 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet  


Space X Astounds With Capture of Space X Heavy Booster Returning From 74 Km's in Space While Newsom Admin Moves to Allow Fewer Rockets From Being Launched Into Space s ;s HwitS


It may be harder for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God than a camel to pass through a needle’s eye
But even harder for a Space X Heavy Booster coming back from 74 kilometers in the sky
To while under its own rocket returning power
Be captured by arms on  its launch tower
Yet the idiots in Newsom’s administration have chosen to deny
Increasing the number Space X launches befitting human kind into the sky
Space X, Tesla and X moving their headquarters out of the state
Wonder what high tech company is next no longer willing to wait
For an end to higher taxes, crippling business regulations and soaring homeless and crime rates
The once Golden State attracting new residents now sees high taxpayers leaving through more and more open floodgates
In a state that once had a vibrant two party system with rational open debates
Now a Banana Republic where anyone questioning radical policies shoved down their throats is subject to vicious ad hominem berates
Seeing Trump at a huge rally stepping into the biased Blues’ lion den
May not flip the state but a good chance on the down ballots more Reds to political offices send

© 10/14/2024 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Wife of NFL Running Back Raheem Mostert Slammed on Social Media For Blasting Harris for Her Attacks on De Santis Over His Helene Response


Devon Mostert, the white wife of NFL running back for the Miami Dolphins' Raheem Mostert who is black

After on social media criticizing Harris for her Governor De Santis’ response to Helene  attacks

Bad enough the attacks were viciously racist but not threatening her life

Only demeaning her as a  “white, snowflake, gold-digging wife”

Which Devon rightly shed like water of a duck’s back

But these Social Media racists also her kids attacked

Once again proof positive that the left even a modicum of civility lacks

Sad commentary that free speech has collateral damage yet should not be sacked

Good chance that back into their faces will come the hateful spite
And the supporters of decency will with votes against Harris obtain revenge on Election Night

© 10/12/2024 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet

Former Intel and Military Leaders' Harris Endorsements v. Medal of Honor Recipients' and Gold Star Parents' Trump's Endorsements


Former Vice President Garner said the vice presidency was not worth more than “a warm bucket of spit"
The same can be said of endorsements of former military leaders and intelligence officers claiming Trump is not fit
Who can still unless suffering from  TDS Stage 4 still believe 51 former security officials who a letter claiming Hunter’s laptop was hoax, Russian misinformation signed
And the former senior military leaders supporting Harris and blasting Trump must feel because of their military service their Harris endorsements cannot be maligned
In war the senior military leaders are safely in well protected bunkers behind the front lines
Unlike the privates, noncoms, and lieutenants choking on MRE’s or K-Rations able to on fine cuisine dine
So it should come as surprise that Trump has secured the endorsements of 15 Medal of Honor winners who in Vietnam to Afghanistan in combat their time was spent
Along with the 100’s of Gold Star Parents of sons and daughters who never made it back save in the coffins in which they were sent
Trump is probably not liked by some of the senior military leaders who have Harris endorsed
Still resenting that they were held by Trump to be accountable when their efforts were below par for the course
Whose endorsements should voters at the polls follow
The former military and intel leaders whose words ring hollow?
Or those in the fox holes who faced death and survived
And those parents whose sons and daughters did not return alive?
The choice should be crystal clear
Having Harris as CIC is something most Americans should fear

© 10/12/2024 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet

Harris Refusing to Answer Questions and Sounding More and More Like a Coven of Witches Cackling May Be Losing Some MSM Lackey Support


Finally after enduring for years the death of comedy at SNL
Replaced by all the false Trump evils on which it chose to dwell
Parodying Harris being forced by the Blue’s growing pro-Palestinian wing
Who has caused former Jewish Blue voters to cringe
To pass over Governor Shapiro of the must win Keystone  State|
With Tampon Tim of Minnesota who admitted he was a knucklehead on the J.D. Vance debate
Aping her Miller Lite beer sipping interview with Colbert
With her sip so dainty doubtful a swallow was even there
Pathetic rebranding to be like one of the “guys”
Who by large majorities support for her deny
Like her revelations she owns a gun
And would shoot first before a breaking in intruder had chance to run
Suspect like the Barack and Michelle kudos call it was staged
Anything to distort truth and reality as until election 24/7 branding she engages
SNL spoof had her and “Dougie” watching the Walz Vance debate rage
Dropping her wine glass when Tim rants school shooters are his friends|
Spews out of her mouth the in her mouth about to be swallowed from a Walz’s inanity near skit’s end
Finally from SNL some humor is back
Spoofs not solely TDS Stage 4 on Trump and his supporters attacks

© 10/11/2024 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Milton After Massive Destruction Including 5 Deaths Has Entered the Atlantic As Biden Praises De Santis For His Response and Harris Slams Him For Being Selfish


Floridians have woken up to see the damage by Milton to their state
Before leaving it and heading into the Atlantic where weakening to a tropical storm then tropical depression status awaits
Leaving almost 4 million without power now reduced to 3.1
With 17 tornadoes and 5 deaths, storm surge and excessive rain floods before its stay in Florida was done
Millions upon millions of dollars in property damage that insurers’ bottom lines were severely hit
Now wishing insuring in Florida they could have quit
10,000 Florida National Guardsman called up to recovery from Milton and Helene assist
While Biden praising Governor De Santis for his preparations and responses he could not resist
Showing that no matter how impaired mentally he is on natural disasters after shamed for beach dwelling on Helene, he could perform as CIC
While Katrina Kamala was politicizing De Santis and off to Swing States for a fund raising and campaign rally spree
Blue hack the “Ragin Cajun” is worried about Harris facing an “October Surprise”
That would result in Harris’ presidential campaign demise
What if Biden still seething over Harris’ involvement in the Blue forced withdrawal coup
Irate over being thrown into the trash and already attacking her subtlety upped the ante with a move she would really rue?
With Jill whispering in his ear “You could have sent Trump down to defeat
And revenge for the coup will be really, really sweet”
To address the nation that Trump’s personality he abhorred
But most of his policies he backed and Harris’ unfitness for the Oval Office voters should no longer ignore
Sadly to even insure the nation’s survival, probably a pipe dream
But miracles do happen and Biden might well enjoy Harris being creamed

© 10/10/2024 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Milton Downgraded From CAT 5 To CAT 3 Before Making Landfall at Siesta Key Is Causing Massive Power Losses and Destruction and Multiple Deaths


Milton seemed like such a wimpy name for a CAT 5 Hurricane reduced to CAT 3 just before making landfall at Siesta Key
Knocking out power to 2 million, bringing 17 tornados, ripping off part of a MLB stadium roof, multiple deaths, storm surge flooding and devastation which on daybreak officials will see
De Santis should receive an A+ for his preparation in positioning personnel and equipment
To fight the destructive wrath mother nation to Florida has sent
Biden learned his lesson so unlike Helene he was relaxing on the beach while in Florida through Tennessee died
For Milton he staying in Washington trying to assure victims that on FEMA they could rely
While Harris true to form fled the scene to embrace the campaigning norm
Victims of Helene assuming they can get to the polls will shed any support for her due to FEMA’s delayed response to the storm
Trump has called FEMA’s response to Helene as the worst in history
Whether or not caused by $1.4 billion spent by FEMA on illegals diverted from disaster relief is a mystery
Or whether FEMA’s empty coffers it is due to poor management in overseeing the distribution of funds for prior disasters
Clearly the management skills to oversee FEMA is a skill this lying “The Border Is Secure” Majorkas has not mastered
If Biden wants to recover a modicum of respect and improvement for his legacy to restore
He will immediate fire Majorkas and show him the exit at the front door

© 10/9/2024 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet