Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Grassley A Target Of Lerner And The IRS

Like the Chinese water torture of drips and drabs
Or the slices of a thousand tiny cuts and stabs
The IRS smidgeon of corruption grows slowly each day
Even as thousand of Lerner emails were crashed and washed away
Lois Lerner emailed her cohorts that Grassley a Senate Red
Needed to be audited because an invitation sent to her instead
Maybe her suggestion was in jest to be deemed a joke
And not an attempt to political discourse threaten and choke
More likely this email released today is just another small iceberg tip
Of an IRS trying to put conservatives in its chilling grip
If anyone believes the lame excuse of seven computers going into crash mode from the IRS
That person should go naked and ask the public to admire his fine expensive dress
What fools does the Administration really think the American public has become
That we like rats would follow the Obama pied piper beating on his deception drum
In a world where backup is taught almost before one hits the first computer stroke
For the IRS to assert in violation of the law no Lerner backup is an unbelievable joke
Hopefully more emails will surface along with a Deep Throat but until that time
Time to appoint a Special Prosecutor to get to the truth and stop the ineffective whine.
© June 25, 2014 Michael P. Ridley aka the Alaskanpoet

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