Saturday, July 15, 2017

Tough Sledding On Obamacare Replaement

Should those in good health be forced to insurance they do not want or need buy?
Why do the feds the freedom of policy choices want to deny?
Why do consumers who are smokers or overweight have to for life insurance pay more?
Ditto for the drivers with DUI’s, accidents, or always with pedal to the metal always floor?
Yet under the ACA buyers with preexisting conditions cannot be charged a penny more
No wonder the deductibles and premiums are in a death spiral soar
We are our brother’s keeper and the illness or disease of one untreated can affect us all
A preexisting condition in many cases is not an admission of a person’s from grace fall
Or the logical result of choices knowingly and voluntarily made
An idea almost like workers’ comp where the benefits linked to the injury are paid
X thousands for a loss of a finger, Y thousands for a loss of a leg, Z hundreds for a broken arm
Some diseases are genetically based with victim have no choice of knowingly being put in the way of harm
The increase in premiums would be very low
Others like smoking would choices that a responsible person would not would not want to go
A few percentages here a few percentages there
Some increased costs to the healthy that so explained most would agree to bear
Those with preexisting conditions would have some skin in the game
Even those whose actions bear on them no blames
Eliminate the mandates for employers so they hire instead of using part time
Accelerate job growth truly big time
Return to the consumers the power of choice
Give them back in health care and insurance a voice  
 © July 15, 2017, Michael P. Ridley aka the Alaskanpoet 
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