Friday, July 7, 2023

Ben and Jerry's headquarters sits on Native American Land Will these leftist berating hypocrites give it back?


Most politicians have a trace of hypocrisy when on the soapbox to promote their stands
But when it comes to being on the top of the hypocrisy hill the left usually wins across the land
Ben and Jerry’s the gourmet ice cream so overpriced it’s a joke
Was tweet ranting on Independence Day in full on Woke
Claiming that we stole American Native Indians’ land and starting with Mt. Rushmore we should give it back
Don Stevens — chief of the Nulhegan Band of The Coosuk Abenaki Nation agreed but not Mt. Rushmore but start with Ben and Jerry’s headquarters tract
Will these intrepid Woke warriors put their acts where their hypocrisy is alive and well
Or will they ignore the call because the headquarters are needed to more high priced ice cream to sell?
Doubt after hundreds of years of occupancy land owners will want to now up the price to be paid
But the natives of this land killed by European diseases and broken treaties have a more equitable claim than those in the reparations parade

© 7/7/2023 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet

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