Sunday, July 5, 2015

Thumbs Down for Austerity--Puerto Rico Next?

The polls in Greece have closed
Greece  regardless of the outcome are in major financial woes
It would from the exit polls appear
Austerity is not a path the Greeks wish to adhere
Too much spending, pensions in total bloat
The rest of Europe unwilling to the fiscal Argonaut further float
Will a no vote as to the Euro start the dominoes fall
To cast up the Euro zone a ghastly pall?
Will Greece’s collapse
Spending beyond its means relapse
For this country be a wake up call
That hard decisions with entitlements we can no longer stall
Obama will not tackle the issue of the growing national debt
Red and Blue candidates to replace him on entitlement reform would like to forget
Save Chris Christie but with Bridgegate and the Obama hug in the primaries his star dulled
But entitlement reform more than ever in a rational manner must be mulled
Puerto Rico is the next bankrupt Greece and it is part of us
Our cities with bloated pensions, victims of years of greed of public union lust
Are ticking time bombs to head into bankruptcy court
As revenues compared to spending and unfunded liabilities continue to come up short
The major security issue facing this nation is not ISIS, Russia, China or Iran with a nuclear bomb
It is due to Obama’s growth of the national debt will have stripped us of any flexibility to spend on more military to keep us from harm.
© July 5, 2015 Michael P. Ridley aka the Alaskanpoet
Alaskanpoet for Hire, Poems to Admire
Poet Extraordinaire Beyond Compare
Rhymes for All the Memorable Times
The Perfect Gift, All Recipients to Receive a Lasting Lift

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