Monday, July 16, 2018

Joint Press Conference Disaster For Trump

Trump should have foregone the golf in Scotland and for the press conference prepared
Armed with the indictments he should have demanded extradition from the Russian bear
Mueller’s investigation of the collusion delusion is a witch-hunt
In baseball terms not hitting out of the park but a fouled off two strike bunt
But the indictments of the 12 Russians look like a first class piece of work
That should have produced a conference of damming and condemning fireworks
Trump had the chance to demand Putin stop the meddling or consequences face
From cyber attacks to more economic sanctions being put in place
Instead he took Putin at his word giving him a get out of jail card
Letting him off the hook for his no meddling canard
Trump is now being attacked by both sides of the aisle with even the T word being used
A perfect chance to call Putin out and be exposed, an opportunity Trump abused
Instead he threw his intel and their conclusions of meddling under the bus
Fueling the frenzy of his critics with more complaints on his fitness to discuss
Look for his popularity to fall and drop
Look for Russian meddling in elections to not stop
 © July 16, 2018 Michael P. Ridley aka the Alaskanpoet    

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