Monday, June 13, 2016

Trump And Hillary On Radical Islam

There is only one thing that our bloated federal government can do well
Spend, spend and spend again as our economy goes to hell
The TSA as a barrier to stopping guns and contraband coming onto a plane
Is about as effective as DHS stopping the flow of illegals in a flood that never wanes
When it comes to the efficiency of medical care can only hide well its delays
While more and more vets deprived of care are dying each day
Obama assures us the refugees from Syria will be subject to the most intense vet yet seen
While State failed the background check of Omar Mateen and his Orlando killing scene
Even DHS who is supposed to keep this country secure from attack
Omar’s background check by DHS clearly lacked
The IRS’s flaunting violations against Tea Party groups then its full course subpoena stall
The EPA’s actions while in Denver its staff was smearing fecal matters on its wall
Even our highly professional and high integrity FBI trying keep track of these jihadists so feral
Is stretched thinner than a gnat over the opening of a fifty gallon barrel
No wonder we as a nation although against radical Islam will not bow and in terror shake
Fear for our safety as in the fabric of our way they are trying to drive a mortal stake
Hillary delivered on terror a calm, presidential type speech but could not a pivot to gun control avoid
Yet her actions in Libya and Obama’s turning tail in Iraq is why Al-Qaeda and Islamists filled the void
Trump was not as articulate and a teleprompter probably did not use
But it is clear he means to put an end to Obama and Clinton we are defeating ISIS ruse
In the fight against radical Islam and Sharia in the end a simple question whom can you trust?
I vote for Trump against a woman whose mantra and record is deception, dishonesty and distrust
© June 13, 2016, Michael P. Ridley aka the Alaskanpoet 
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