Monday, November 7, 2022

Zeldin Supporter Holding Sign Attacked at Hochul Rally in Manhattan


While too many in the MSM rush to judgment to political violence on Reds blame
And seem oblivious to the fact when Blue supporters sign up for the violence game
At a pro Hochul event at Stonehill Inn in Manhattan a Zeldin supporter holding a sign
Was attacked by Hochul supporters who must think backing Zeldin crossed the line
Angelica Torres had her sign ripped from her hands and to the ground thrown
Trying to recover it she was choked by a large man whose acts we should all disown
Zeldin learning of the act, demanded Hochul condemn
Otherwise she is complicit not a governor but more like one of them
The body politic with the divisive dog whistles of hate
Increases in intensity each day and refuses to abate
With both parties claiming these midterms are the most critical in a lifetime
It is sadly a wonder that there is not against each other more violent and deadly crime
It would be easy for Hochul have her courage found
To condemn the attacks as non-violence should be a common ground
© November 7, 2022 The Alaskanpoet

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